connie, has your dh called his doctor? He wants to get on the anti-viral meds ASAP.
Hubby got the diagnosis from his doctor and he's on the meds. He's starting to blister, and I'm trying to remember if I had measles or chicken pox. I think it was chicken pox, so I think I'm OK.
Happy Birthday, askye!
Does any one know where I could get a good sports bra in a size 40C?
My one true sports bra is this one: [link]
I giggled at this snopes page today. Note: this is a reference to goatse but it's not gross.
Happy Birthday, askye!
I have a new tattoo. We're leaving for the bachelorette party in about a half an hour. I'm already tired.
Happy birthday, Askye! Good luck with the bra hunt.
Happy day-after-birth, Dylan! In the months to come, remember to be kind to your parents, as they are the ones who will have the car keys when you are a teenager.
When I told him her name, he lit up and said, "Did you name her after the book?" Then he said that he and his wife had named their son Atticus.
I totally want to marry that whole family.
though it sounds like, with the going out and helping, you yourself are already part of the ~ma.
Thanks. I just got home (after a little stop with a treat of a yummy taco salad). I was over there for four hours, while her husband ran errands. She sobbed for three of them. I finally got her a little calmed down, convinced her to take something for anxiety (as well as the pain), and she conked out for a nap for the last hour, while I did all their dishes from Thursday on. This is going to be a long haul, I’m afraid, and they don’t have many resources. Although, I’m not sure how much of this I’m going to be able to do. Honestly, I don’t know how Emily used to deal with me. Three hours of worst-case-scenarioing and sobbing was about as much as I could take. I’m actually in tears myself now. Blech.
Happy Birthday, askye!!!!