Emmett did look quite stylin' this morning, it must be said.
Matilda report: After three days of being wide awake and fretful and a misery to herself and everyone else, she now has the tip of one upper tooth actually poking through the gumline and is shlumped and snoring on our sofa. I stuffed her like a Christmas goose with baby food straight out of the fridge -- filling and tasty and beautifully cool in her poor tormented mouth -- and it has finally, blissfully conked her out.
I should work now. Or nap. If only I could do both simultaneously.
Eeeeee! Cute and sweet!
Spoken like someone who's slept more than six hours altogether in the past three days.
Alex probably would have liked him very much. They share a love of baseball, music and money in common.
Yeah, I bet Emmett would've liked him a lot. Emmett will bond with any cool older guy given half a chance. He was getting on so well with MM on the Alcatraz trip (during the SF F2F), I was half afraid they'd sneak off and get tattoos together.
Motorcycle class last night was good. The male/female ratio was about 60/40, which yay chicks on wheels, but I think all but 3 of the women were there because they want a scooter and not a bike. Where are the bad-ass women, I want to know? (Not that I'm knocking scooters, I just want to join a women's riding group. When I get a motorcycle. Which will be soon, hopefully.)
OMG, motorcycle class sounds like fun. (I want a motorcycle. In all likelyhood, I will not be getting one, at least for the next few years. Way too pricey. But now I'm looking up motorcycle classes in the DC area, and those are around $150, which is within my "find stuff to do this summer" budget, and the class involves riding a motorcycle, so .... Hmm. Very tempting.)
(Huh. How much does a motorcycle cost, anyway? And am I too short to ride one? Must research further.)
Spoken like someone who's slept more than six hours altogether in the past three days.
Well, sure but isn't that what other people's kids are for? All the cute none of the tired.
Thanks Hec. It doesn't make me overwhelmingly sad- I just forget sometimes, and then I think "Oh, I'll tell him about Emmett being an All Star." and then I remember. But then there's also the happy of thinking, "Yeah, he was cool."
When I was a kid, one of my chores was burning waste paper.
Mine too! No peeing was involved. If I'd thought of it, though...
I'm childless and expect to remain so, but I enjoy the kid talk.
Happy graduation day to Emmett!
Good grief, I want a cupcake.
So sorry about Teddy! Sad now.
Pharmacist-prescribed boyfriends should be covered under Durable Medical Equipment.
Wait. Getting an IUD means no more periods? How did I not know this? Is there an age past which one should not get an IUD? How much dope would I need to be on to get one inserted? Will my insurance cover it? (question blitz!)
I feel badly about not being in two places at once during SF2f so I could meet Emmett, hec. Not that, bloody pictures aside, I could lay claim to being a cool *guy*
I feel ya erika. I didn't get to meet him either. Clearly I need to go back.
(Huh. How much does a motorcycle cost, anyway? And am I too short to ride one? Must research further.)
Depends on your area and the kind of bike you want, and probably not, you'll just need to find a small bike. Craigslist is awesome for finding and talking about motorcycles.