I wish you had a video camera in your kitchen, so we could see the exact process that led to caffeinated chaos. I'm picturing TCG just walking in the kitchen, taking a handful of ground coffee, and then HURLING it vaguely in the direction of the stove.
This sounds like how I used to try to make coffee before the automated pot. Mr. Jane found me whimpering on the floor one morning, fighting with the filters, lamenting not having had any coffee so I could make coffee.
I am seriously not a morning person.
Since the hysterectomy, I will be lying there blissfully after Teh Sex and then have a moment of blinding panic, "Oh my god, we didn't use anything and--uh, oh yeah. Never mind."
Heh. I am the queen of paranoia. Despite having an IUD (and using condoms -- at The Boy's insistence, not mine), I still worry that I'm knocked up, mostly because, in fabulous irony, thanks to the IUD, I don't really get a period any more.
FTR, no real plans to give birth unless Life really surprises me in some fantastic way, but I do know there's no Instant Gestate.
thanks to the IUD, I don't really get a period any more.
Blessed, blessed IUD and the no period thing!! I don't freak out about pregnancy scares because I think I'd know the early signs by now. DH will be going in for a vasectomy next year, though, just in case.
Mornings got a lot easier when I got an automatic drip coffee maker.
Blessed, blessed IUD and the no period thing!! I don't freak out about pregnancy scares because I think I'd know the early signs by now.
Heh. Well, see, when one decides to taper down one's Zoloft dose, the most common side effects are: (1) nausea, (2) dizziness, and (3) mood swings.
And I started tapering down my Zoloft 2 weeks ago, so you can imagine my happyfun paranoia.
Blessed, blessed IUD and the no period thing!!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner.
How do you deal with your ample bosom in that situation?
I usually do it without a bra and just shunt them to either side of the knee.
I am going to see Nanci Griffith tonight at the botanical gardens. I have been pretty lucky with the weather on most outdoor concerts, but with Nanci Griffith, it's always raining or threatening to rain, and today is no exception. Or I fall in the koi pond. Anyway, this is what the garden says now about chairs:
Any patron sitting in a chair with legs that are taller than a basketball, or with a seat-back that is higher than one's shoulder-blades, will be asked to move to the side of the lawn so as to not obstruct anyone's view.
WTF? Amazingly enough, I don't keep a basketball around for measurement purposes. The seat of the more comfortable of my portable chairs is roughly 14 inches off the ground. The internets tell me that a standard basketball has a 9" diameter.