Much job~ma for the nice lady with the magazines!
more pleasurable to remember
More pleasurable to read! Maybe I'll read something where I understand more than the article title and the summary paragraph.
Honestly, I'm not a stupid woman. Hubby says I'm one of the 5 smartest people he knows. But I look at these articles about chemistry and biology and electrophysics, and I just feel like Bubba the Wonder Goon.
Hiya! I'm here.
I just got home from a nice evening listening to a jazz duo with the SO & two of his private students. He called it a field trip. Heh. But they were great. Really surprising to have good live music in a little town like ours.
That sounds like a lovely evening, Liese.
I'm here. Tonight I've baked 3 dozen cookies and a pan of brownies, and I've been cleaning my house. I'm having a few people over tomorrow night for burgers to celebrate me finishing student teaching.
It was! I really enjoyed it.
Mmm, cookies. And yay, finishing student teaching!
Oh Liese, that's lovely! And YAY ChiKat for a successful student teaching experience!
t waves at everyone
How can it be 8:30? The only part of my list that I managed to accomplish so far tonight was getting home through the hellish traffic. I didn't get to the nails place in time, so that's not happening. I did manage to eat, but now I need to be cleaning the house, doing laundry, and packing. Feh. Donwanna.
Yeah, I did lots of things today, but none of the things on my list, so I still feel unaccomplished. However, I do not care, and I am going to have a nice bath to finish off my evening, and tomorrow I will make a holiday weekend to-do list.
I should not have to scrounge or ration my sudefed
Sorry for the late addition to the Daisy Duke discussion but it reminded me of a story about my sister that I just have to tell.
So one day Mom catches Mary Kate on her way out the door in cut-off short shorts actually shorter than Daisy's. They were cut at an angle from the outside corner of the back pockets down the the crotch so there was substantial butt showing. This is, oh about 1977 so she's about 15. Of course Mom says, "You are not leaving the house dressed like that!"
MK says, "but Mo-o-om! I followed the pattern in the magazine exactly!"
"What magazine?!!!"