It's my department head's name, too.
Oh, and btw?
Still have meetings and major room cleaning/packing this week, but EVERYTHING is graded and all SIXTY narrative comments have been turned in. WOOOO HOOOO!
t does dance of joy
t throws glitter in the air
t collapses in a heap on the floor
Now to pay bills and get the house ready for Mom's visit.
Hec, I'm sorry. I've haven't stopped since Friday night. Scott took a couple of pictures of me at the family party on Saturday, but they were horrible and I made him delete them from the camera.
Lisa, in a similar job I was a "Communications Specialist."
Is this the Czech side, Fred Pete? Czech names commonly end in -ek, like Dubcek and my name.
When we looked up my grandmother's birth certificate, it said she was born on a different day than the one she thought was her birthday. My cousin's wife discovered that her birth certificate had an entirely different first name and that the doctor who delivered her had frequently put down whatever name he fancied. It was complicated to fix, too.
Yay, Kristin! No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's students' dirty looks!
My mother's family never fixed, IIRC, their birth certificate errors. My mother's real birthday is two months later than her paper one, and her younger sister's name was to be something completely different (Ann) from the one she ended up being officially given (Denese). She's tried to switch over to the latter, but family will not budge. Eh, you let people get used to calling you by one first name for 30+ years, you're going to have inertial issues.
Czech names commonly end in -ek, like Dubcek and my name.
Or -ec but pronounced ek, like my mother's maiden name.
My mother has a corrected birth certificate because the dates were wrong, but it got taken care of right then. I forget exactly what the problem was, but it made it seems as if it couldn't possibly be a legal document - like it was signed on Nov. 5 and had the birthdate as the 7th or something. She had to send in multiple papers for her passport is the only reason I even know.
Nothing like what my dad had to send in, though. Do not lose your naturalization papers, people that have them, it makes for serious trouble!
Hec, I'm sorry. I've haven't stopped since Friday night. Scott took a couple of pictures of me at the family party on Saturday, but they were horrible and I made him delete them from the camera.
Well you need to march into your bedroom, fix your makeup, fluff up your hair and strike a sassy pose for your husband then.
After you've had a little sugar in your bowl, he can take some pictures.
My stuff is conspiring against me. I keep putting things in boxes and then it seems like more stuff is appearing.