This is why I don't balance my checkbook. Much more relaxing.
I'm an atheist, but I'm seriously considering looking into Zenkittism.
Except that, and I don't know if I told y'all about this, but Mr. Jane deposited our tax refund, oh I guess a couple of weeks ago. Sometime last week I got an email saying we had insufficient funds. I go to look (after nicely asking Mr. Jane if he might have spent $2,000 without telling me) and found they had reversed the deposit. So I call the bank, they couldn't verify Mr. Jane's sig so they mailed it back-regular mail. (Which on it's face is stupid. If you have to be so careful with that money that you don't deposit it into an account with the name of the person on the check because you can't verify the husband-with the same last name- signature, you don't then just drop it in a mailbox). So I called and the teller said when I got the check, take it to a banking center and they would reverse any charges we incurred.
Cut to Wednesday after I've deposited the check, but none of the overdraft charges have been reversed. Not one of the 14 we got since the mess started. CS lady says "Not our fault. Not going to do it." after arguing for 30 minutes, she agrees to 2. NOT. ACCEPTABLE. These are $35 charges on amounts of like $6 and $8. $400+ dollars worth.
Mr. Jane is at my heels begging me to let him talk to them. I say no, as I'm sure my calm but firm manner will work better than his yelling and threats. CS lady gives me her supervisor, and after being on hold for 5 minutes, supervisor gets on the phone and just says, "Yes ma'am we'll reverse those for you."
Now, I have $2,000+ safely in the bank, and my husband thinks I'm a goddess.
Got an email from a friend today after I sent her pics of the Jessica Rabbit dress that said, "Knitting, crocheting, sewing, is there anything you can't do?" And I'm thinking of replying, "No. No there isn't."