Cindy, I vote #1, though I also like the last one.
A magic door that whenever I open it, a new good book falls out.
I was at the library after work, and I had this weird sensation of almost hyperventilating because I wanted ALL THE BOOKS OMG RIGHT NOW I HAVE TO HAVE THEM!!! And then I reminded myself how many library books I already had at home that still needed my loving cerebellum, and the moment of bookmania passed.
(Note: unlike other Buffistas who shall remain nameless [mostly because I can't remember who they are], *I* always return my library books. On time.)
(Yes, I am an ass-kiss.)
(My librarian loves me.)
My mom just called me. It went like this:
"Sunil, I have a riddle for you. What's the answer? 'Letters I have three. Add two more, and fewer I will be.'"
"Spell it."
"Okay, bye."
You guys should totally go with an all-riddle dialogue. That was the most stress-free convo in months!
It hasn't been that bad lately, even though she reminded me that I still have to e-mail that girl I'm supposed to marry.
P-C that sounds exactly like three phone calls I've gotten from my son today. Apparently I'm his homework answer desk.
I have 8 Dodgers suite tickets and preferred parking passes for Monday night's game sitting on my desk. It would be bad, bad, bad for me to take them and pretend like I never saw them right? Right? I need to send them to my boss right now 'cause they are taunting me.
My mom likes to call me at work in the mornings and ask for crossword puzzle answers. She's good at them, so she doesn't call too often, but I still get quizzed every once in a while. If my sister ever got into the Cash Cab, I'd be her mobile shout-out, for sure.
2: Joe Torre is Da Bomb
This is actually true. Shame he's coaching the Yankees.
P-C that sounds exactly like three phone calls I've gotten from my son today. Apparently I'm his homework answer desk.
Ha! My mom does this a lot, call me for, like, how to spell something or the answer to some movie trivia question or whether I've heard of this new movie that she got a free ticket to. I love those calls because I never end up enraged or crying at the end of them.
My sister calls me on her ride to work every morning for the answer to the local radio station's trivia contest. I've won her movie tickets before.
I love those calls because I never end up enraged or crying at the end of them.
That's the best part! (I do get an "I love you" at the end of each call so I'mma let the kid slide on the using me to do his homework deal)