Ok. Be kind. This is my first time working without a pattern. Jessica Rabbit dress: stage one
Front [link]
Side/back [link]
While I'm at it, here's the beginning of a skirt I finished [link]
And the old Parkland hospital across from the Vine [link] [link]
Yeah, that's gonna cost you a bit. Probably not enough to make it worth insurance, though.
I can't wait to see you wearing that.
DJ, both the dress and the skirt are beautiful.
Hec, I'm glad Emmett's injuries aren't anything more serious and I hope he's feeling better soon.
Argh, Vortex. That's annoying as hell. They didn't leave a note? Asshats.
If you're picking it up tomorrow evening, let me know. I'll be in the Rockville area for an appointment.
DJ, I really like the fabric you used for the skirt. Very pretty. Fabulous job on the dress so far; working without a pattern scares me. (To be honest, sewing scares me. I inherited none of my father's design or tailoring talent.)
Thanks! I'm awesome with a pattern, but straight from scratch intimidated the bejeezus out of me. This isn't really hard, because there's no real detail to worry about, but I'm loving trying to figure out how to keep it slinky and clingy with nothing materialwise to hold it up.
Dang Vortex! Your mirror's jacked.
Dang Vortex! Your mirror's jacked.
I KNOW, and I have to go get it looked at at the asscrack of dawn. feh.
Wow, Vortex, that sucks. Jackasses.
Best of luck to Emmett.
I had talked myself into a crying/puking feeling frenzy (not actually doing either, just to the point of feeling like I was about to do both) earlier this evening, but my friend K [clearly NOT the K i am dating] had me over for dinner and we talked about life the universe and everything (girls, boys, jobs, careers, birthdays, other friends, etc) and it was good. I adore her.
Reason number umpty-jillion I love Mr. Jane? I took out the garbage while he's cooking me dinner 'cause I worked all day see and he cleaned house and did laundry. I made some smirky comment about it. He starts singing the theme to "A Different World."