Wow, Vortex, that sucks. Jackasses.
Best of luck to Emmett.
I had talked myself into a crying/puking feeling frenzy (not actually doing either, just to the point of feeling like I was about to do both) earlier this evening, but my friend K [clearly NOT the K i am dating] had me over for dinner and we talked about life the universe and everything (girls, boys, jobs, careers, birthdays, other friends, etc) and it was good. I adore her.
Reason number umpty-jillion I love Mr. Jane? I took out the garbage while he's cooking me dinner 'cause I worked all day see and he cleaned house and did laundry. I made some smirky comment about it. He starts singing the theme to "A Different World."
Whee! Internet via another provider.
Needs tweaks, tho.
Schoolwork is finished for the night. I really had to force myself through it because I'm feeling depressed tonight. I'm trying to convince myself that I am not depressed about a haircut, but I think I really am that vain.
Oh no! David, what happened to Emmet?
HEC - I have Ativan and Valium (And Percocet, and Vicodin...), and I'll be up for a bit. Lemme know if your boy needs any.
Oh no! David, what happened to Emmet?
I just put him to bed. He was in pretty good spirits and we'll try school again tomorrow.
There's no damage to his gear according to his reflexes and the ultrasound.
They think it was a pinched nerve caused by an improperly fitted cup. So, they're basically saying no cup for a week and we'll see.
We've already got him a new cup that fits better. We don't have a playoff game until Tuesday (more than a week since the tourney) and I would use him sparingly at catcher and have the cup out in between.
The thing is, not only did he catch during parts of six different games over the weekend, but he wore his cup and uniform all day long because he was playing two games a day. And we were just out at the fields in between games. So he had it on about 7-8 hours a day. It's never been an issue before, but I'll be more mindful of that in the future.
He was less ouchy tonight than last night. We'll take it easy over the weekend and see where we are.
You know, some injuries you just don't think about before they occur.
[edited to add that I am clearly a girl, and that a boy might well have considered the possibility.]
How unfair! Cups are supposed to protect the junk, not cause injury. Poor Emmett.
I'm so glad there's no permanent injury (as I'm sure you are, too), and I hope Emmett is back to his cup-wearing, baseball-playing self soon.