Maybe I need to get Ativan for him. Is it over the counter?
No, it's a prescription benzodiazepene (same family as Valium, Librium, etc.). But I would ask one of his doctors if they can prescribe
that acts on the nerve endings. They would probably never give him Ativan, but there might be something else they can give him until this passes, the poor baby.
I'm glad the ultrasound looks good and that there's no tortion. Ugh.
Poor Emmet! I'm glad it's not serious damage, but OUCH!
So my food poisoning seems to have mostly passed. I finally made it home about 30 minutes ago and devoured a bowl of cereal and so oh-so-yummalicious "light banana cream pie" yogurt. Other than some pretzels and a couple of bites of rice, that's the first I've eaten today, and boy did it taste good.
I'm still exhausted, though. I think I may be asleep before the sun sets.
anybody want to see how fucked up my mirror is? clickhere
Ok. Be kind. This is my first time working without a pattern. Jessica Rabbit dress: stage one
Front [link]
Side/back [link]
While I'm at it, here's the beginning of a skirt I finished [link]
And the old Parkland hospital across from the Vine [link] [link]
Yeah, that's gonna cost you a bit. Probably not enough to make it worth insurance, though.
I can't wait to see you wearing that.
DJ, both the dress and the skirt are beautiful.
Hec, I'm glad Emmett's injuries aren't anything more serious and I hope he's feeling better soon.
Argh, Vortex. That's annoying as hell. They didn't leave a note? Asshats.
If you're picking it up tomorrow evening, let me know. I'll be in the Rockville area for an appointment.
DJ, I really like the fabric you used for the skirt. Very pretty. Fabulous job on the dress so far; working without a pattern scares me. (To be honest, sewing scares me. I inherited none of my father's design or tailoring talent.)
Thanks! I'm awesome with a pattern, but straight from scratch intimidated the bejeezus out of me. This isn't really hard, because there's no real detail to worry about, but I'm loving trying to figure out how to keep it slinky and clingy with nothing materialwise to hold it up.
Dang Vortex! Your mirror's jacked.