You know this is perfect: New Shear Genius tonight!
I wanted to have a special Ple commentary track on all the color disasters tonight.
Tabitha's a bitch but she nailed the color challenge and the cut. Anthony's style looked spot on. Evangelin did a great job. Jim was a disaster and deserved to be offed. Sweet guy, but obviously maintaining his client base with his personality instead of his skills. At least Daisy made her client look good.
Lacey's going to be the next to go. She hasn't done anything right at all.
Damn, I forgot about Shear Genius. Have to look for reruns.
Project Runway was doing auditions in Chicago a week or two ago, so I don't think it'll be here any time soon.
I do love the way Bravo cycles its reality programming though. I just wish Top Design had been better.
I loved the pigeon experiment on
but I expect the pigeon-trapping was purposely failed because I feel sure that San Francisco has plenty of regulations about what you can and can't do with wildlife. (I mean -- here in Somerville, you aren't allowed to trap or kill skunks and other backyard critters....)
I think that Project Runway is back after Shear Genius.
I need to re-watch. I wasn't paying close enough attention.
Does San Francisco have raptors?
I missed the middle part of Shear Genuis, what was the deal with Daisy and Jim's clients -- did they both have really dark hair and want to go plantium blonde or something?
Does San Francisco have raptors?
We do!
what was the deal with Daisy and Jim's clients -- did they both have really dark hair and want to go plantium blonde or something?
Exactly that: Gwen Stefani and Cristina Aguilera were their two celebrity hairdos.
Yep, Ali. That's exactly what happened.
how sweet was Blake helping Lakisha with her running mascara just then? i freaking love him.
I realized last night when he was in the bottom three that I have a completely irrational love for Blake, despite what he did to The Cure a few weeks ago. I guess right now I'm hoping for him or Jordin. Now that the evil one is gone, the only one I really don't want to win is Chris, his voice really bugs me.
I'm looking forward to Shear Genius tonight -- last week's premiere was refreshingly entertaining after the snoozefest of Top Design
I caught both eps last night and am LOVING it!!! My friend had seen the first ep and had said they were pretty much all like our very own crazy genius hairdresser and she was so right. I'd love to see my girl on there but, aside from being able to do a 5-minute beehive, she is super meticulous and there's no way she could deal with the time limits.
I was kind of wishing Daisy had gotten booted. Jim was a disaster but Daisy was a hot mess. Plus she's already getting on my nerves.
From the first ep, I loved Dr. Boogie's description of doing his model's hair like a sandwich. It made little sense to me but was hilarious. I predict he'll start to annoy me soon enough though. And was he serious when he said he wasn't gay? He couldn't have been.
Then Daisy and Jim really should have told their clients that it was physically impossible to do that in 2 hours. Or maybe they thought they'd be penalized for saying no.
I did have to laugh when the colorist chick was taking all the time in teh shortcut challenge to put on her lipstick and socialize and then almost didn't get the head shampooed.
I've decided that Shear Genuis is a Mashmellow Peep of a show.