I was kind of out of it last night so it took me until this morning to realize that Alex voted for Mookie. I think I missed something...did he agree to vote for Mookie during the luxury reward?
It was funny to see Alex and Mookie see the group talking and misinterpert that as the group being upset over Yao Man having the idol rather than the group being upset that Alex and Mookie went through everyone's stuff and trying to blackmail Yao Man.
And I caught a teeny bit of Work Out --why didn't Jackie call her business partner first thing or the company that made her clothes and ask what was going on. That was the first thing I would have done rather than waiting to see the business partner the day of the meeting.
Alex voting for Mookie was perhaps the only sucessful strategic thing I've seen him do. However, I suspect that was luck, unless he caught a whiff of the plan.
I think Alex figured (rightly) that voting for Mookie was the only vote he could make that wouldn't backfire on him. If the Ravu alliance had decided he was going, he wouldn't be around for the backlash anyway, and if they'd decided to get rid of Mookie, Mookie wouldn't be around to be pissed at him.
I do wonder if Dreamz tipped Alex off. It would be in his best interests, perhaps, to do so, now that they're down to 7 and the big alliance pretty much has to shift.
Also, that scene where the women were hiding nearby when Mookie and Alex were discussing the idol- SO funny. I never laughed so loud as when that branch snapped and the panic came into Alex and Mookie's eyes. Heh.
Maybe, though we're usually shown that kind of thing when it happens.
I'm curious to see what Stacy and Dreamz do now that it's down to 7 -- they have to know that they're the outsiders of the Ravu alliance, and Alex will vote with anyone who throws him a lifeline at this point.
Someone over on WX theorized that Alex voted for Mookie because he realized that the group was going to vote for him or Mookie and it isn't going to hurt him too much. Either he's right and everyone votes for Mookie, who is out and can't get mad at Alex or he's wrong and he's voted off and he doesn't have to deal with Mookie feeling betrayed.
How are the rules on ties working this season? I was having trouble figuring out how risky this split the vote plan actually was.
That's what I was thinking- don't tie breaker resolutions have a tendency to change from season to season? I did not like that split vote plan AT ALL.
Last season fire making was the tie breaker.