Pushing Daisies:
AHHHH. Broadway, not TV or Movies. OK. I didn't see a West Wing credit for her on IMDB, but I might have glossed over it.
Kristin Chenoweth is also Aaron Sorkin's ex. She was reportedly the basis for Sarah Paulson's Harriet character on
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.
Still very good but they gotta stop the 15 years 4 months 2 days 17 minutes crap.
Oh, I hope they don't stop any of the repetition, silly names, or narration. I suppose they could use it a little bit more sparingly, but it's a fairy tale. Elements like 'The Pie Maker' and 'the girl called Chuck' are, to me, a wonderful balance for the horrifying premise of the show.
Oh, teh word. I had some Lee Pace love from Wonderfalls, but here he is totally swoon-worthy. (Which I heartily approve.)
I never understood Lee Pace's appeal during
Pushing Daisies
has remedied that.
PD ratings for ep.2 : [link]
About 10 million viewers, down by 21% from the pilot. I'd expected the numbers to fall, but that is quite a bit of a drop.
I think it still did well (maybe even improved) in the more coveted demos, but I can't find where I read that. I hope so. I like an awful lot of TV this season, but I would trade almost all of it for Pushing Daisies, except perhaps for
The Office
the Acacian Field (or whatever)
Hee. I kept think of it as the Elysian fields, Consuela.
is easily my favorite show (okay,
Pushing Daisies
is giving it a huge run for its money, but there've only been two episodes, so I'm trying to keep things in perspective). I was only disappointed by two
episodes this season. Unfortunately one of those was the finale.
I have yet to watch it again, but I was just left with this overwhelming feeling of disappointment. The plot was overly complicated, and so much of what was set up last season and teased out over this season seemed to be dropped. I'm thrilled that the show got picked up for another season. I hope to watch it again this weekend, and see if I feel differently.
Is anyone else watching SJA? Can I mention again how awesome Elisabeth Sladen is?
Is anyone else watching SJA?
I watched the first pair and have the second pair on the MacMini waiting to be watched.
Ok, once again Sci-Fi ran long on SGA and my tape cut off while Ronan was confronting his friends.(I think the last bit I saw was him finding out they killed the other two member of the group when they wouldn't convert) What happened after that?
Still very good but they gotta stop the 15 years 4 months 2 days 17 minutes crap.
That part used to bother me but then someone else made a point on another board that time down to the seconds is extremely important to Ned's power. I still hope they use it less but now I like it.
I was at a bar last night when they had karaoke. A woman sang "Hopelessly Devoted to You" and afterwards the DJ mentioned Pushing Daisies. I may have squealed.
Last night must have been Steve Bacic night: 1st I saw him in Blood Ties (which I watched On Demand) and then he was in Flash Gordon (which I watched to grab the Razor flashback) and I taped Moonlight, and guess what? He's in an Acura ad that ran during Moonlight.
Blood Ties was extremely enjoyable -- I've missed it. And Moonlight is good -- it's like they had that lousy first episode and then got above it and are holding on.
Cindy! Hi! Lovely to see you.
Sheryl - Ronon fought his former comrades Setedan-style (they didn't use weapons... until one of them, the man who was not Marc Dcan'tspellitsorry, pulled out a knife and, inexplicably, killed the woman Setedan. Then I think Ronon killed him, decided there'd been enough killing, let Marc D. leave, and went home with the Atlantis team who meanwhile had... escaped with Sam's help, accidentally freed the Replicator, tried to shoot it to death, which was laughably ineffective, so they went off to find Ronon while the Replicator ignored them and killed Wraiths. I think there was some more stuff back on Atlantis, but I don't remember it, other than Ronon looked so sad, I wanted to make him soup, and Sam's hair was still too pretty.) Hmmm. That was a not proper use of the parenthetical. Oh, well.
pulled out a knife and, inexplicably, killed the woman Setedan.
She was trying to stop him from using a weapon and he accidentally cut her throat. It was a weird accident, admittedly.
I recall seeing a photograph in Sam's stuff. Anyone interested and still got it on TiVo and see if there is, and, if so, who it is?
I recall seeing a photograph in Sam's stuff. Anyone interested and still got it on TiVo and see if there is, and, if so, who it is?
It's a face shot of Jack in his BDU.