Here's some quotes from the last half of the "Dummies" episode, because I was sitting here right at my computer where I could rewind a whole lot:
Like a smoking gun, the smoking dummies would have to be buried.
Mark Chase's attention to detail and gift for planning had served him well as a CEO and now again as a murderer!
The Dandy Lion car is the culmination of my life's work! It's a flower-powered phenomenon, born of a thousand sleepless nights, intense Ritalin abuse and a long-sublimated interest in botany!
Chuck pondered why she always had to die just as things were getting good.
If only the pie-maker had heard the killer explain the Dandy Lion SX was much more than an eco-friendly car of the future, if only he'd heard it was also a death-trap, a dandelion-fueled deathtrap!
The pie-maker had never been so happy to see Olive, and Olive had never been so happy to see the pie-maker.
Ned: You OK? Olive: I am now
Whatever the pie-maker had been doing that night did not seem especially romantic.
Ned: Could you help us get out of these body bags?
Emerson Cod realized he would not be not knitting any time soon, as the dead girl, who was not dead, appeared to be staying put.