Doctor Who 3x09:
Holy crap, what an amazing episode. Jesus, David Tennant, break my fucking heart already with all John Smith's questioning about the Doctor and why he should give up his life to become this mad, unknowable, terrifying, lonely man. I think my favorite moment was during Tim's speech about the Doctor being like fire and ice and rage, and then he finishes with "...and he's wonderful," and we see the slow smile that spreads across Martha's face. Oh, and Martha, you rocked so hard in this episode, from "Jesus, you're rubbish as a human!" to reeling off the names of the bones of the hand to "I hope to God he doesn't remember me saying this." I loved her just doing the best she could at every turn, never knowing for sure what she should do but doing it anyway.
JenP said "I have to stay, I was heartily stung on Martha's behalf when he asked Joan to go away with him and be his companion. I mean, not that Martha knows he did it, but ouch." and I felt the same way. One thing I think this show does really well is to show the Doctor having meaningful relationships with many different people, not just the companion of the moment, so you're always aware that while he is The Doctor, one and only, to each of them, he can't ever feel the same way about them. And so while I liked Joan a great deal and understand why the Doctor wanted her to come with him, I also know how Martha feels about him and how hurt she would have been if Joan had accepted.