That's kind of how I feel right now.
Me, too.
Acting/dialect note - JA's Texas sure as hell came out when he was talking to Sammy's corpse, except when he said "sorry". That was pure Canadian.
Show, how I love thee and clasp thy continuity (and hot actors) to my bosom.
Oh! I'll be laid up end of next week because of my wisdom teeth surgery and I can alternate between watching Dolph Lundgren movies and watching all of Supernatural.
I love this quote so much.
You know how, when you were a little kid, and you spun in circles for a while (kind of like flailing), until you made yourself dizzy, and your head was spinny and you couldn't decide if it felt good or bad?
For the record, I feel good.
And aww... Kripke turned into Capra instead of Kafka!
I'm a fan of both, but I have to admit, the cynical sentimental fool in me prefers the former, so I'm a happy camper.
PS, I got to watch with Bev! So doubleplus good!
Bev has dubbed him Experation Date Dean.
Hello to the foreshadowing in What Is and What Should Never Be!
(You know, with the part where he'll die in a few days, blah blah blah, better than anything he has, blah blah blah.)
Oh, and the Crossroads Demon looked disconcertingly like Cass this time.
Leading me to suspect CASS might have made a wee crossroads deal of her own.
Jealous of Plei AND Beverly.
Cass and I are rewatching already.
That was mentioned privately.
Your rewatch, or your crossroads deal?
Eh, we know about the rewatch. But that deal? We were keeping it hush hush.
(I think I have better eyebrows though.)
I want to thank Plei for inviting me to watch with her--squee is so much better shared. I'm aout to face-plant in bed, but I wanted to get a few things down.
Plusses: A live Sam, a live Ellen, a live Dean, albeit with an expiration date beyond which his shelf life is over. A Bobby so eloquent and wonderful I can barely articulate how much I love this character. With some marvelously played beats and beautifully delivered lines. Bobby has SO stepped into John's fatherly shoes. Speaking of, John got freed from hell, and his storyline is effectively over. With the way JDM's career is heating up, I doubt he'll have much time for SPN. I'm sure he'd rather not consistently play a good dozen years older than his real age, the film and tv business being what it is. Even if Kripke has said that there may be occasions for John to appear in S3, John's time is done. Kripke has also said that SPN is a hero's journey, and at some point the mentor has to die, or step aside, and let the student journey and learn alone. Or, you know, with his brother. I think by tying up John's story and releasing him from hell, his time and his tale is done--though his legend and legacy carry on (sorry), of course. For this episode, John's appearance and agency in helping his boys, one last time, was a plus.
Fantastic Bobby, dead YED. Wrapping up his arc moves us on into new territory next season, as Anne and others have noted, S3 will likely be a three-pronged approach. First prong (Dana Carvey doing Bush senior), Freeing Dean from the Crossroads deal, second prong, eluding and/or educating Agent Gotcha Hendrikson, third prong, tracking down and eliminating the bad'uns that got through the hellgate. Among them I expect to meet Anson, Andy's brother, Ava, Jake, and Max, as well as some of the more memorable bad guys the Winchesters have sent to hell in S1 and S2.
Sam's little "you stupid jerk" speech to Dean. I know he'd said it before, and I'm sure Dean thought it was rhetorical. This time, I think it got through, Dean knows he means it, and so do we. Ackles and Padelecki were both on their game tonight, as was Jim Beaver. Now that's what I call tv.
Minuses: Dead Andy, dead Ash. Mad about them, and not happy at all. Casualties, I know. Still mad. John not having even one line; as someone said, "Hey, boys" would have done it.
Yup, I think that's it for the minuses, or at least all I can recall at the moment.
I need to rewatch. But first, sleep.