I was once shopping, paid cash, and the person at the register had to call for a supervisor to make change because they couldn't figure out how much to give me.
Recently I had a boy at a deli who rang my order wrong, and when I corrected him and told him how to make change, he didn't believe me. He had to use a calculator to find out I was right. I know I have problems doing math before coffee and after beer, but addition and subtraction? Come on, now.
I told you I saw snow this morning.
Points and laughs at the NYistas.
Dear crazy people,
Snow in April is not pretty. It is CRAZY AND WRONG. (No matter how commonly it happens. It's wrong EVERY YEAR.)
Sane Person
They are now predicting 24 degrees for Saturday night here. No amount of mulch or bedsheets is gonna save things if it gets that cold.
For the record--I want to point out that I can make change like a Mofo. AND I can figure out percentages too, but not, well, like a Mofo.
Timelies all!
Meh. It's too cold here.(though no snow) and I'm feeling cranky/sad.(Not about the weather, but in general)Bleah.
What gets me is when people at cash registers or in drive thrus act as if you've performed a miracle when you give them extra change to get a $5 bill or only quarters back.