You know, for all that I'm liking the flowy, it's clear that I need something that'll look less, well, cavewoman-like when I let it down. I'm thinking maybe something like this (ignore the scary sternum). Or just going downstairs and throwing myself on the mercy of the Glamarama people.
ETA: I know that that's actually not so much a haircut as an inbetween-growy-outy stage. But it's a general idea. My hair did that once. When I was 19. And very blonde.
Robin, do you know this formula?
therefore 83x=1400
and 1400/83=x=16.87
ETA some numbers
Bless you, bon, proportions really do stick with you, huh?
Ah, cross multiplication.
suddenly remembers she had algebra homework due yesterday
Why don't the people eat?
Meanwhile, I can't get my students to comprehend the difference between 20% and 80%. I've tried making the shopping connection, but they're happy to just let the register figure the discounts.
suddenly remembers she had algebra homework due yesterday
Thanks, Empress, for that blast of terror from 30-year-old vaults of memory.
Did you bring in a pie, Emily?