I would prefer that to the traditional review.
With my scheme, you can tell how well you're doing by the types of balloon animals they beat you with. If they beat you with a balloon doggie or horsie, you're doing well. If they beat you with a balloon dung beetle, there's room for improvement.
That probably means it's time to buy a new one, doesn't it?
Just go convert someone to a new fandom. Probably much easier than shopping.
Instinctive Fear Of Monorails In Pachyderms
Elephants and monorails don't mix. Seriously. Once, as part of an ill-advised publicity stunt, an elephant was forced to ride a monorail. It did not end well.
"Well, sir, there's nothing on earth like a genuine, bona fide, electrified, six-car monorail!"
Do I need to tell the cautionary tale of the broken toaster, the sesame bagel, and flaming appliances flying out windows?
I think you really really do, sarameg.
New toaster, Lee.
Reviews suck by definition.
I had 8 consecutive hours of sleep last night, for the first time in 8 weeks. YAY SLEEP.
It's easier to hate my life less with full sleep.
oooh. Sarameg! It's story time. Will there be fluffy bunnies in your tale?
I am arguing with someone at work about how part of our technology works. I am not 100% sure I am right, but the real issue is THERE IS NO ONE HERE I CAN ASK. Seriously. not one person (that would not be all "why do you want to know") that knows the technology stuff. GRR!