The strips are fantastic, Steph.
For the record, I officially hate my life. Almost every aspect of it. The job at school I interviewed for I did not get. I am mostly ready to quit and I would effective tomorrow if I didn't need the health insurance.
This week SUCKS. Can we skip ahead to the weekend please? Hell. Can we skip ahead until July?
The strips are making us laugh at chez bon Bob.
Ooohhh! using the random comic generator, as David suggested = tons of fun [link]
Last one before I go to bed: [link]
I remember that one! "That's in the room!"
Stewart / Colbert '08
I have a button from Cafepress that says that. It amuses me. (But if they were in public office, they wouldn't have a show, and then I would be sad.)
Want to make funny comic, but am too tired.
You're right gang, it is addictive! [link]
tommy, that's messed up! and hilarious.