I'll take Headlines I Never Thought I'd See for $1000 please, Alex...
Viagra reduces hamster 'jet lag'
The "little blue pill" given to treat impotence might also help people overcome jet lag faster, a new study in rodents suggests.
Hamsters that received small doses of sildenafil, sold under the name Viagra, adjusted more quickly to laboratory simulations of a six-hour time-zone change than animals in the control group.
The researchers found that a single dose of sildenafil helped the animals adapt up to 50% faster than usual. They believe that because a one-off dose had this large an effect in hamsters, the drug might offer a simple way to combat jet lag in people.
The problem of jet-lagged hamsters finally has a cure!
Of course, now we're gonna see a big upswing in hamster air-travel, so security lines will get even longer....
Salon finally catches up with the political technique known as The Big Lie.
Oy. Just repeatedly almost nodded off in a meeting. Could not help myself. Not quite a meeting, I guess. More a 3-person huddle in a cubicle. I don't feel sleepy, but I kinda didn't sleep last night, and am still working on my first food of the day.
And I have work to do that I don't think I understand.
Can someone who watched Heroes (and read the online comics) tell me if
the Israeli computer chick
is still alive?
One of the original founders of WordPerfect was on the phone, holding for the developer. Suddenly, he wasn't. An assistant called back (from their Utah headquarters lined with photos of the two principals with their 5 girls and 5 boys respectively...very Mormon families) to inform us that the song Why Don't We Do it in the Road was probably a mistake in judgment.
Here in Utah, working in a incestuous IT industry, I laughed and laughed.
yes, and no. She died, but she's alive inside the Internet. Like, she can IM with Micah, but her physical body died taking out the tracking satellite.
Okay, cool. I was wondering about the potential of interaction with
and it looks like that's all covered.
She was only briefly
onscreen, right?