Interesting link, Plei, thanks (reading it now).
Probably not, Cindy, within reason: cosplay is costume play. Used to be nurses and French maids and stuff, now it's frequently anime/manga.
Now, if you go looking at photos of older, larger men cosplaying as Sailor Moon, you will need to BYOBB.
Cindy, it's a terrible word, but no. From Wikipedia:
a portmanteau of the English words "costume" and "play", is a Japanese subculture centered on dressing as characters from manga, anime, tokusatsu, and video games, and, less commonly, Japanese live action television shows, fantasy movies, or Japanese pop music bands. However, in some circles, "cosplay" has been expanded to mean simply wearing a costume.
I'm not sure if it's used to refer to anything sexual. The word alone is bad enough as it is.
Raq's suggestion of the Flick Filosopher is a great one--she's a huuuuuge fan of Serenity/Firefly, so she'd definitely be interested in your book! (She's also an author herself, even though her publisher went belly-up right before her first book was going to be published, so she had to self-publish it--it's a great book on The Princess Bride. She's working on another book now, this one about Doctor Who.)
Has LJ gone all splody for anyone else?
I hied myself to Wikipedia (my source for all things straightforward on kink) to look up cosplay. I think the author of the article was reaching for things to include--though putting in a link to the Society for Creative Anachronism would send several people I know into the stratosphere of offended dignity. "Hey, Duchess! You're being lumped in with people who dress up as anime characters! And terrific work on that recreation of Elizabeth I's coronation gown."
I can't get in to lj, Jessica.
I'm LJ-free for a month.
Flick Filosopher looks film related.
It is, but she also writes at about general pop culture issues, so that's where her book reviews show up.
ETA: Since your book does deal a lot with Firefly and Serenity stuff, as well as Buffy/Angel, she'll probably address it on the FlickFilopher site, too.
There's a new blog for girls from Gawker Media. You could send it there. It's called Jezebel. [link]
In other news, WTF, Gawker Media???
In actual other news, I swear to god one of these days I'm going to kill my boss. I hear her from her office, yelling out the door to her assistant, asking for my extension number. She's incapable of looking at a phone list? That's only the smallest annoying thing of today.