Nice hair, bon! No purple on my monitor.
Blonde or bald would both look good, ita. Not sure about blue; you'd have to be particular about the shade with your skin tone. I really like the blonde, personally.
Good news about Teddy! And Fred, I am close by now, so if you guys ever need catsitting, or anything to help out, please let me know.
positive thoughts for Laura
Whenever I've had accidentally purple hair, it fades out pretty fast, but that might just be my hair.
Oh thank god.
Scenes from the weekend:
At least somebody's getting some work done around this place
Or possibly, not so much.
[No time to get the flash set properly, dammit.]
Oh, man, the Cutty Sark got horribly damaged in a fire.
It looks lovely! But I can see how it might be a bit of a surprise if it was unexpected.
So the Bitch from Hell was on hiatus last week because
managed to be running late every single morning. However, same
actually got up on time today. I asked what date my a/c would be installed. Was told the units were still on order. Informed them this was unacceptable, they should have been ordered, oh, last August, this was a known issue, my maintenance order for a new unit has been "lost" twice in the past year, and please give me the number to corporate.
So the guy called corporate, explained the whole saga (I was described as irate, when really I would have preferred disgusted, but whatever) authorization to have an outside contractor come in and put in a new unit (not waiting for the units ordered by corporate.) He then called the contractor, but the schedule guy is to call him back. There will then be a message left TODAY on my answering machine (which I will save) with a date.
And I have corporate's number.
We will see.
Good lord, people. I'm not scary, really.
Dude, you're irate. What did you think was going to happen?
not scared of cutiehead saracakes.
too busy to post. cranky day. confused about everything. WAH!
Yay Sarameg for getting some management action! Good on ya. Hope it results in actual coolification.
Yay for board!!!
Yay for perky Teddy!!!
Yay for a/c for sarameg!!!
I too have taken a photo of a bathroom while being a tourist--it was a restaurant in Chelsea that had a gorgeous mosaic around the mirror above the sink, and I was lucky to snap it without having the flash reflect in the mirror so much it obscured the photo.
Oh, and I'll have to remember the sealing wax to keep breakables safe from kitty's paws, because Amarna's taken to trying to whack stuff from on top of the TV when she's bored.