Rather than forcing everyone to get their kids immunized, I'd rather work on convincing everyone that it's the right thing to do. Even if it's compulsory, it's not going to get 100% saturation.
This! This is what I think is the right way to handle it.
My liberty bell forever stamps say Forever, but have 2007 in fine print. But then, all my other stamps also have a teeny date. Guess it is useful to collectors.
Dad & T (my brother looks a little demented there. I'm thinking sleep dep.)
You think you can take me?!
I've had a headache all day. These kinda make me get over it. Jesus, the elder child is adorable. Baby is pretty cute, too.
Gah! Wee little red-faced newborn! Proud big brother! Big brother with gorgeous bird!
Am now ded. Please send pronouns.
I love those newborn baby-burritos. Those pictures are awesome.
D is REALLY competing with mom & dad to take care of T. He wants to change his diapers. He get ornery when they give T a bottle. HE wants to do it. It's really quite sweet. He's in love. Just wait until T can take away his toys...
You have a beautiful family there, sarameg.
But it seems like you can catch it casually--not through sneezing but through contact like cuddling and kissing. So if the government does not have a right to put strong pressure on you, that means you think you have a right to endanger others, or that others have a right to endanger your kids.
Even if it is just through sexual contact how many parents can 100% guarantee that their kids aren't going to have sex? Many would like to believe that they can guarantee that, but the reality is, they really don't have that level of control.
Wow, sarameg's family is all good-looking. And above average!
Even if it is just through sexual contact how many parents can 100% guarantee that their kids aren't going to have sex? Many would like to believe that they can guarantee that, but the reality is, they really don't have that level of control.
That kind of attitude -- "My kid doesn't need to be vaccinated for HPV/learn about birth control, because MY kid won't engage in immoral activity." -- makes me seethe.
I have (had?) a friend who's my age, who told me -- when we were 22-23 years old -- in all seriousness, that he knew he would never have to worry about HIV, because he wasn't going to have sex until he was married (and he was not married at the time of this conversation), and he would NEVER marry someone who had ever put herself in a situation that might expose her to HIV.
Y'see, it was the 1990s, and he was realistic enough to know that, at the age of 23, he wasn't very likely to find another virgin to marry. So he accepted the fact that he would probably marry someone who had actually had The Sex. However, it was his sanctimonious attitude that just *killed* me -- HE would NEVER marry someone who had been in a situation that exposed her to HIV.
He was so naive, I wanted to smack him senseless. Like only crackwhores and energetically promiscuous gay men were likely to get infected with HIV. Grrr.