My favourite place, which is no longer as convenient, gives you an itemised receipt and you pay up front. For some reason that stings me less.
Well, then you can reconsider and take some of the clothes out of the equation if it's more than anticipated. When you go after the service has been provided, you're committed to paying it. I wish more places would give the costs at drop off though.
I'm assuming that means that it will cure, like raw cement mix will do when you add water.
(You all know that cement doesn't dry, it cures, right?)
Turned back into concrete, as opposed to just drying back to dust.
How do those clean, though?
They clean fine. If there is a spot or something you treat that with the same stuff. It is a much more convenient thing if you have a dryer because it works better if you do a single item at a time and that is not great or time efficient with dropping quarters.
Finding a good dry cleaners, best if they do it in house, is worth the drive. Word of mouth is the best way to find the good ones so let it be known far and wide that you are looking.
Does anyone know when/if they are airing last night's GA again? It's not on tonight, as it usually is.
McSweeney's lists of 20 potential Democratic and 20 potential Republican presidential candidates.
Pro: Articulate; resembles foxy actor Blair Underwood.
Con: L.A. Law was kind of overrated now that you think about it.
Pro: Size; power; ability to emit short-range optic blasts.
Con: Potential attack ad: "Sometimes Optimus Prime is a robot, other times a truck. Which is it, Mr. Prime? America deserves a leader that doesn't transform whenever it's convenient."
Pro: Knowledgeable about global health issues; everyone seems to like him; Joshua Tree album.
Con: Too busy hugging everyone to actually execute the duties of office; no one likes the sound of "Vice President the Edge" or "Secretary of Health and Human Services Larry Mullen Jr."; the whole "Zoo TV" thing.
Pro: Comforting resemblance to character actor Gavin MacLeod.
Con: Murray from The Mary Tyler Moore Show lacked leadership qualities and Captain Stubing from Love Boat got a little goofy whenever Charo was a guest star, leaving executive branch vulnerable to Charo impersonators who are actually Al Qaeda operatives.
But they're all great....
So, do you think a glue-stick is going to help stop the run in my tights?
PS: TIGHTS! I'm annoyed that it's 50 degrees out.
I like this one, and I bet sarameg will too:
Pro: Appeals to all Latino voters with the last name "Richardson."
Con: New Mexico is legally part of Mexico; therefore, he's constitutionally ineligible.
Too late! I think it's OK, though.
I love tights, I do. But not when it's supposed to be summer! Or at least not freezing.