I know. I guess I just can't fathom being so well off that I wouldn't understand how little actual food you can get on $3 a day.
Right? We're barely comfortable, but we've had months when all the bills hit at once and I didn't get paid until the next week and Mr. Jane didn't go in until Friday, so Wednesday and Thursday were Easy Mac with sliced bread nights.
Still, better than when we were acutally poor and it was half a cheese sandwich and ramen night.
Sure...we have neither crib nor cradle but we might have a deep freeze.
But you can have a crib, you know. We have one here with your name on it. I think two babies should fit into one crib for a while at least. We have a changing table too.
One of the benefits of twins is that they can co-sleep by themselves!
I just went to the grocery store and thought about costs while I shopped. One of the problems with the legislative experiment is that you don't get to shop for an entire month, because you can pick up 5 lbs of hamburger (or ground turkey) for $10 which could go a long way.
Even so, I haven't =had= to budget-buy for two decades now. But since I do all my own cooking, I'm at least familiar with prices and still try to shop frugally!
In college, I used to spice up my ramen by dropping in an egg and some frozen vegetables.
If I am very lucky, I will never, ever have to eat that again.
In college, I used to spice up my ramen by dropping in an egg and some frozen vegetables.
I used to do the exact same thing. Except without the veggies.
If I am very lucky, I will never, ever have to eat that again.
God, yes!
At my poorest (just out of college) I used to ear ramen with potatoes and onion, and a slice of cheese. I thought it was good!
Ramen, a can of tuna and a bag of frozen or rehydrated veggies was standard camping food. That and hot tang. When I've made it on the stove, I think I smell the bluet gas, it's that closely linked in my head.
I used to add canned mushrooms and water chestnuts.
The other thing with eggs, as a single person, is I find it hard to eat as many eggs as would be needed to go through a dozen-- so I just tend to do without-- and they are harder to stretch-- although I have seen a scrambled egg/spaghetti combo.
That's why I always do the egg substitute. It's just easier.
Ramen beef flavor soup is actually a comfort food for me, though I know those fried noodles and all the salt are anything but healthy. I'm trying to wean myself over to miso and Japanese onion soup instead.