Never goes smooth. How come it never goes smooth?

Mal ,'Safe'

Natter Area 51: The Truthiness Is in Here  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Kat - Apr 04, 2007 4:24:07 pm PDT #766 of 10001
"I keep to a strict diet of ill-advised enthusiasm and heartfelt regret." Leigh Bardugo

How did you deal with her while you were growing up?

bahahahah! Have I ever told you about the year I refused to speak to her when I was thirteen? So it is payback. BUT I WAS THIRTEEN!

sumi - Apr 04, 2007 4:46:55 pm PDT #767 of 10001
Art Crawl!!!

FNL: I'm feeling a little bit let down. I think I expected too much. But I think I need to rewatch to be sure. I did love that scene between Saracen and Coach Street -- I hope we get to see more next week. Also, remember when Jason was talking about how he was going to try to pay more attention to what was going on with Lyla? Looks like he needed to try a little bit harder. Overall - it felt very 1st half of a two hour finale and they're just making us WAIT 'til next week for the conclusion . . . plus, I'm making too many speculations based on trying to decide whether or not it's going to get renewed. This is not helpful.

And when I rewatched "Extended Families" I noticed in that scene where Riggins has dinner with Bo and his mom the first night: Bo tells Riggins that they had to leave Knoxville to get away from his mom's younger substance abusing boyfriend. Sound like anyone at all?

sarameg - Apr 04, 2007 5:03:00 pm PDT #768 of 10001

sumi, my reaction to FNL was just guh. It's all about the interactions to me. Not really the plot processes, but the relationships and how they are revealed and defined. I love this show. Even if this is the only season, I want it on dvd. If only for last week's scene with the cows. Which I adored.

When I was 14 I stopped speaking to dad for...well, I wasn't measuring time. It was after a huge blowup. I swear, if he ever does that to me again or like me...well. I don't expect it, cause the blowup kinda settled the whole interaction problem. But then I'm not having kids so... I just can roll my eyes when the craxy erupts over the sibling's kids.

I learned the real reason I was backup labor-person and childbirth-class attendee for a friend today (she's the one responsible for my placenta freakouts.) It was...curious. The things about people! The things about me and what I'm deliberately blind to! To sum up, I hate the world but seriously seriously love my friends.

sumi - Apr 04, 2007 5:05:55 pm PDT #769 of 10001
Art Crawl!!!

I LOVED last week's scene with the cows -- and really, I think I'll feel differently about it after I rewatch. I don't know.

Oh and I have to say, I had a horrible watch from the hall reaction to Tim's comment about Matt and Julie. . . and over at TWOP everyone thought that the non-reaction to that comment was hilarious. I think it's just my general not liking to see people embarrass themselves squick at work.

Daisy Jane - Apr 04, 2007 5:11:01 pm PDT #770 of 10001
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

sumi, it wasn't my favorite episode ever but there were some shiny bits. As you say Street and Matt, Landry's jealousy nearly sabatoging Tyra's apology, Tami at the roast, Smash realizing that he really just likes being with Waverly and misses her when she's not around.

But the thing that I liked best and brought me to tears Tyra desperately wanting the attempted rape to just go away. That whole thread just had me bawling. When Tami told Landry that it's understandable that the person would feel embarassed and like it would hurt their reputation-even though at the time Landry was talking about himself, that's exactly why many women don't report rape. Can you imagine Tyra on the stand? "Mrs. Collette, don't you hang out at your sister's workplace 'The Landing Strip,' a gentlemen's club? Didn't your mother have an affair with Buddy Garrity? Ms. Collette, are you a virgin?" Tami was right to get her to report it. If they catch the fucker, then that could save several other women, but the humiliation, embarassment. Poor Tyra.

I also liked nay loved Lyla tonight. She calmly got out of the car, gave him a 'fuck you' look, freaked a bit, but by the time he showed up at her house, she'd figured herself out. She's prissy, and not someone I would have hung out with in high school, but she's smart and at least she doesn't lie. Not even to herself.

One more thing Tami, y'all do have a good relationship, and you're mature adults. But that commute will put a big strain on the strongest relationships. It gets far to easy to decide you're too tired to call that night, so you let it go. You stop sharing stuff. You start having different circles of friends. I'm just sayin' Love, BTDT

sumi - Apr 04, 2007 5:15:49 pm PDT #771 of 10001
Art Crawl!!!

Oh, yeah -- Lyla rocked tonight - she just is in no mood to put up with anyone's bullshit. And Smash - bringing cake back for Waverly -- that was so cute. And it's so true -- you cannot do that long distance thing w/o fundamentally changing something in the relationship. And that's why you don't do that if you don't have to, you know? And the thing in the promo. . . see I can't help but feel that how things works out depends on whether or not they're going to renew the show. So I still feel antsy about it.

Jesse - Apr 04, 2007 5:16:53 pm PDT #772 of 10001
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

Ugh, sometimes I'm not that bright. All of a sudden, I started feeling not so good in my tummy. Yeah, that's because I bought sugar free cough drops and have been eating them constantly. Sugar free candy stuff always makes me ill! Der.

I would like to hear what's up with sara's friends now.

sarameg - Apr 04, 2007 5:17:06 pm PDT #773 of 10001

sumi, I almost ffwd through that scene. I had to stop it at various points. AWFUL. Realistic, but uhg.

I gotta say, I'm tickled pink by my friend's 15 y.o. stepson's rushed goodbyes because she wasn't home and South Park was on: "OK, Love you bunches Sara, bye!"

How often do you get a 15 year old boy in the throughs of teenage whackoness saying that to his stepmom's good friend? Yeah, I bought him a primo skateboard and safety gear, but that was 2 years ago! And he's had seriously insane attachement issues. This wasn't rote, this was sincere and makes me so happy for him and how much he's gained.

sumi - Apr 04, 2007 5:19:14 pm PDT #774 of 10001
Art Crawl!!!

Oh good, I'm glad I wasn't the only one. And yet, I don't think that Riggins was devastated . . . if he had been likely to feel that way -- he wouldn't have said it, you know?

§ ita § - Apr 04, 2007 5:21:29 pm PDT #775 of 10001
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

When 15 year old boys like me...well, it's not love, usually.

Am in the throes of a major migraine without pain. I am beyond irritated with it, but it's too late to get a sub for tonight's class, so it's me or bust. If I'm lucky, it'll be passovered out.

I was an angelic kid in comparison to any of the bust ups referred to here--actually, perhaps not a pleasing kid, not one you show off to your friends, but my worst issues were reading too much.

Which made my mother think of me as antisocial, something she believed way into my 20s. Not sure how much of my university "socialising" she really wanted to hear about.