The teacher fake attack thing proves that Michael Scott has found a job in education in Tennessee.
At the presentation, I ran into another laid-off employee of my ex-company, who filled me in on a bunch of gossip and news from the month+ I've been gone. The short version: going to hell in a handbasket, including that an entire Reading program had to be recalled because the copyright permissions were for the authors work was not obtained. Like she said, that's
Publishing 101
-level wrong.
It's not a date. I would go as high as 98% sure.
an entire Reading program had to be recalled because the copyright permissions were for the authors work was not obtained. Like she said, that's Publishing 101 -level wrong.
Somebody wasn't following procedure, that's for sure! Reminds me of the time we had to fire an editor for lifting an entire section from someone else's book without obtaining permission--she had a JD, you'd think she'd remember the definition of "plagerism"! We had to do some fancy stepping to avoid a lawsuit.
she had a JD, you'd think she'd remember the definition of "plagerism"!
you'd be surprised. I had to deal with a lot of people who didn't know the meaning of plagiarism when I was teaching at the law school. I remember one case where they decided that she had plagiarized, but that she really didn't know that she had done something wrong, so she just failed the paper.
I wonder what the mentality is there. Plagiarism was a huge no-no drilled into my head right about the same time we were learning creative writing in elementary school, let alone every course I took in college.
Is it that they don't consider it stealing? I'm almost irrationally protective.
I had to deal with a lot of people who didn't know the meaning of plagiarism when I was teaching at the law school.
Ditto. At least the student always claimed s/he didn't know it was wrong to cut and paste text from the Internet into his/her paper. ::rolls eyes forever::
I've had law school administration tell me that it is because "this generation" is so used to file sharing activities that the students don't see anything wrong with it. What the administration does about it seems to be related to 1) the rank of the law school (higher rank, less punishment) 2) the potential of that student to be a rich alum (I'm a cynic, but it comes from my experience)
Timelies all!
Bleah, as if it wasn't bad enough that this cold keeps lingering, now the muscles between my shoulderblades have decided to tighten up. sigh.
I did know a girl who flunked a class in college because she didn't cite anything and claimed she'd never been taught how to properly cite works.
I knew about plagiarism since third grade when a boy got busted for copying The Pokey Little Puppy for some creative writing thing we were doing.
The thing is, even if you don't get the intellectual property argument, there's still the it's-cheating-because-you-didn't-write-it
thing. That's pretty fucking obvious, I'd think.
OTOH, my mother had a couple of students (team project) who plagiarized
off the handout
so there's apparently a lot about it I don't get.