I feel like I need to read the fifth book again. Possibly the sixth since I zoomed through it.
I can't see the words oh goodness without hearing them as said by Lillian (she says it a lot).
Hee. My nephew used to say "Oh my goodness" a lot. It was adorable. Mine above has a slightly different inflection.
Are they kidding me?
Was the form on carbon paper??
In other moving news, on Mayflower's moving form, my options for the (required) title field were "Mr," "Mrs," or "Miss". Are they kidding me? It was one of those times I really wanted to use Dr.--but it wasn't a friggin' option.
urgh. Not even Ms.? Well, they are Mayflower.
Not even Ms.?
That's my point. I know that some people feel strongly about using Mrs. but does anyone use Miss? I really don't think the movers need to know my marital status.
does anyone use Miss?
Oh christ yes. At my school, ever woman is called Miss. Not Miss
t insert last name
just Miss. And it's pronounced like this "Meeesss".
In fairness, every man is called Mister. That's it. No name. Just Mister.
Out loud is different, though.
The only grownups I know who are adamant about using Miss are old maiden ladies. And I only know them through direct mail -- they write back angry if you use Ms.
Oops. I thought the board went down at 8:00.
I was close.
So, who did anything/something exciting this weekend?
Oh no! I forgot the board is going down in an hour. How will I procrastinate?
So, who did anything/something exciting this weekend?
I've had a nice weekend. Right now I'm watching Season 2 of
Slings & Arrows
for HOMEWORK. Best homework ever.
I'm going to keep catching up on the Daily Show and Colbert Report. I'm less than a week behind!
Not anything exciting here. Missed the bus getting to lessons, but gotta love small towns. I told the next bus-driver where I was trying to go, and he made a special stop to drop me off across the street (normally it'd be an hour later, at the end of his route.) Taught four vocal lessons, including two new ones. Next week there'll be five vocals & a piano student. Yay, cash. Cleaned the house a bunch.
Then the SO came home, so we had happy family time together. Today he's exhausted, so he's been crashed out all day, after teaching Sunday School (topic: Stupid People of the Bible). I cooked a new Mario Batali recipe, Chicken as the farmer's wife would make it. It was yum.
I had some work to do, but didn't do it. It's hot and makes me not want to do anything. It's still 81 inside right now.
Oh! And the SO brought home our new all-in-one printer! So I spent the day setting that up. We'd been considering it for a long time, and bought it just in time; the old one quit its last function when the SO was gone. Anyway, it's very spiffy and network capable, which means that we can turn off the (heat-inducing) desktop most of the time. Yay for power conservation. That reminds me. I need to change its power-saving settings.
So nothing too exciting.