Happy Mother's Day, mamas!
"Me paying this bill that's what's S... NF!"
That always cracks me up.
I'm trying to catch up on Supernatural and I seem to have basketball instead of the show for two weeks. Do I need to know anything from Heart (IMDB tells me it's a
story) before I move on? The CW only seems to keep four eps available for viewing at a time.
Umm, you might need to know that
if you sleep with Sam you die
Also that
Sam looks real pretty when he weeps like a girl
And that
he will never even look at a girl again, because of the ANGST
Oh, by not seeing Heart you totally miss
The Sammy Biceps. . .
thank goodness they're repeating the show this summer.
I have no tv in the summer. I may have to wait for DVDs.
We can only hope that the CW will put Heart back up on their website when they repeat it.
I'm sure someone's got a
picspam for Sam's Remarkably Broad Shoulders
I have 2 coupons for a free game of bowling (check www.bowl.com to see if there is a participating center near you - it is the Banquet offer on the left column). They expire 5/31. I am happy to mail them out. email me at profile if you are interested.