They knew us there, and there was a carafe of house red on the table before we even got water.
Ah, no doubt tastier than the house red in Atlanta.
We get multiple large pizzas because there is never too much pizza. Pizza for breakfast!
I see a couple of new mommies in the thread this morning. Happy Mother's Day to Kat and msbelle and all the other moms. May life and your children treat you well today.
Oh yeah! Happy Mother's Day, mamas!!
Timelies all!
Happy Mothers' Day to all the moms out there!
OK. Bathroom mostly clean, one drying-rack-full of dishes washed (embarassingly, there are more dirty dishes than that), bread nearly ready to go into the oven. So far, so good!
I went out to Whole Foods (not the one I started out for, as there was a road race in the way), got a bagful of Good Food, and had samosas for lunch. Now I'll see if I can get some home chores out of the way....
Dishes all washed, recycling bagged up, bread in the oven. Now I'm hungry for lunch, but I don't want to make more dishes via making lunch! Woe.
Happy Mother's Day, All.
What ARE you doing up, Lee?
Let's just say my sleep schedule leaves something to be desired right now. I did get back to sleep, eventually.
I am now convinced that I live in squalor, despite the fact that the rational part of my brain is rolling its metaphorical eyes at me.
OK, so I'm not helping by announcing I just finished picking up, vacuuming and mopping my apartment, am I? Took longer than usual, not sure why. Oh yeah, clutter was worse.
Of course, now I'm gross, so I need to go remedy that.