Great house, zenkitty!
Fuck. I've had a headache since 3. It's not an ita-style headache at all. But still no fun.
On the upside? i had a steak sandwich and a red velvet cupcake. and there is another cupcake on the counter waiting to be consumed. And, I saw yummy and very pretty lemon bars.
I, on the other hand, am having an ita-style headache. And also wallowing. I got a fair amount achieved today before the pain came in, but circumstances out of my control mean that not only is tomorrow jampacked, but some shit I really need to get taken care of ASAP is pushed out another week.
At least I know the pain two weeks ago was worse. I'm going to hold onto that and go back in to watch TV.
I wish I had ordered the large pizza last night.
Sorry for the various pains, people!
Hey -- I have a pizza question about England. In these chick lit books I keep reading, the people are always ordering multiple pizzas. Do they only come in small there?
Do they only come in small there?
They didn't in the 80s. We ordered multiples just to mix up the toppings.
Why am I talking food? I have no sensible food. I need to be lying down.
Huh. No half this, a quarter the other, then? It always throws me off when everyone seems to have their own pie, if not more than one.
Definitely never did halves back then. And even now, never done quarters.
I thought you were supposed to be lying down.
by instinct I want to add to Jesse's sentence ..... on the cuddle lounge with someone to hold a cool compress to your head.
Bowlful of ita's sister's misbehaving flesh.
Eeep. I was none to happy to see JZ's insides on display during Matilda's extraction.
No, on the cuddle lounge, alone, wondering what I was thinking watching GA when I was already in the depths of self pity.
More like.
Can I cancel tomorrow? I mean, the whole thing? Jury's out on cancelling Monday, but I can be persuaded.