ita, tell your sister to take it easy. If she strains now, it makes her recovery MUCH longer. She needs to do as little as possible right now
She is probably going to be a decent invalid. Probably the best invalid in the family. As long as she can get to a wireless internet signal, that is.
I seem to remember things like prohibitions on extended sitting that a figment of my imagination, or just not something she had forbidden to her?
Kim says the house is on Mill Creek, out Avon St. Extended...5 minutes out of town on the south side.
hmm, I kind of know where that is, I think.
I would think that swapping yogurt for sour cream wouldn't make too much difference, but I think that yogurt has more water, so you might need to compensate for that.
The vegan cupcakes ended up really light and fluffy. Baking powder + lemon juice. Elementary school science is much more fun when applied to cupcakes. (Though really, the same "baking powder + acid = fizziness" concept was pretty fun when making model volcanos in third grade, too.)
Major abdominal surgery ~ma to your sister, ita. Does she properly appreciate the pictures of her briefly external womb? How cool is that.
Does she properly appreciate the pictures of her briefly external womb?
She hadn't even seen them when she sent them to me. She saw the email, forwarded it, and went back to bed. So I don't even know...maybe it was seeing them that knocked her out.
Bowlful of ita's sister's misbehaving flesh.
Way odd.
I've been depressing myself by reading and I think I'll go clean the living room....
Oh. My. God. On SqualorSurvivors, the pictures from Kimmy truly made me nauseated. The Boy is over, and he looked at it and I think he actually turned green. Yikes.
so, a year ago I turned in my DVR and I swear I told them to just knock my cable service down to Basic. Um, they turned it off. I have unknowingly been on no cable, just antenna for a year. I am desperately trying to find out what is on basic (they list it almost nowhere). I have scheduled a hook up, but I needn to make sure that I am not already receiving all those channels. TWC is notorious for not actually turning off service, so if I have the free basic I hate to ruin that.
How could you be on just antenna? I swear I've watched Food Network in your house.
I think I should have saved those squalor pictures for the morning, for cleaning inspiration!
yeah, I am clearly getting the free basic. screw them, I cancelled the hook-up appt.
Wanna hear the craziest thing. They tell me you can get basic without a box for 13.90/mo. Now this second person I get on the line says if you do that you never know where the channels are going be because you are getting a scrambled signal. Like CBS with be 2 one week then bam it's on 45. I was all WHAT?@!? "that is the single dumbest thing I have ever heard of as a "service" from a company"
Seriously -- that sounds worse than what most people can get for free!