What's the last thing that made you smile unexpectedly?
Some of the charming things people who are no match for me have written on matchdotcom. One fellow posed an odd riddle that I got right. Veeeery clever.
Here's the riddle:
There are three erors in this sentance. What are they?
What are they?
erors; 2) sentance; 3) 3 (instead of 2)
1) "erors" should be "errors"
2) "sentance" should be "sentence"
there are actually only two errors
Vornado is quick out of the gate with answers:
What is the difference between a fan and a Vornado Air Circulator?
Unlike an ordinary household fan, a Vornado air circulator doesn't just blow air. Instead, it literally bends and twists air to produce true whole-room air circulation using Vortex Action, exclusive to Vornado. So rather than drafts and dead spots you get an even temperature and circulation through out the room. Vornado air circulators conserve energy year-round by working with heating and cooling systems. In the Summer months, place near a window or air conditioning vent to circulate the cool air. This enables you to raise your thermostat up to 5 degrees and maintain the same comfort level. In the Winter, take advantage of heat already in the room, direct the airflow upwards to circulate warm air that gravitates to the ceiling, back to floor level.
Okay, now I have to finish annotating that PDF and also find steel toed mary janes.
Okay, I can't rightly tell why turtle vs. cat is so awesome, but it really is. I think maybe it's got an element of cat vs. roomba.
Why can't I find steel-toed MJs? They seem so intuitive.
Why can't I find steel-toed MJs? They seem so intuitive.
I own a pair. DMs. Have you tried eBay?
Have you tried eBay?
Oh, duh.
eta: No joy there either...
This store in NY sells all sorts of exotic Docs, but they seem to be short of clue at the moment.
Guess whose a/c *just* died? Again.
I don't think I can even offer a prize for the correct answer, it's too easy. I'm more shocked by it working than not.
They "maintained" it yesterday. After "fixing" it last week. It worked last night, which is the only time it has been working when I need it to. I don't know if I'm on the replacement list because the "maintaining" guy didn't know. I forsee a visit to the office tomorrow morning. Uhg. At least it is supposed to cool off.