Also, why do the three litigation paralegals find it necessary to congregrate outside of my office to discuss wedding plans and family gossip and unplanned pregnancy? They all have their own offices.
This is when you get up from your desk, join the group and start giving them unwanted advice. When they start to move away, follow them for a few steps -- they'll move away that much faster.
So, I had what I thought of as a "mid-afternoon" meeting, it was nicely productive, got back to my desk to screw around for what's left of the day, and... I have to be here for two more hours?? WTF.
Jesse, don't you get summer fridays or something crazy like that at your job?
Not til the end of June!!
They totally screw us on the definition of summer -- it doesn't start here until the solstice, but then it ends on Labor Day.
Of course the idea that one gets
extra time off for any given season...well, let's just say that Jesse's diamond flip flops may be chafing a bit, and I'm just not going to weep for her.
This is when you get up from your desk, join the group and start giving them unwanted advice. When they start to move away, follow them for a few steps -- they'll move away that much faster.
But that would require getting up and talking to them.
But that would require getting up and talking to them.
But there's looming!
Okay, I'm so avoiding what I need to be doing, and what I really should do is just ask for clarification.
Our summer hours don't result in extra time off -- because of the way my department works it we actually work an extra hour every week. (We alternate Fridays off for 8 weeks, but work 9-6 instead of 9:30-5:30 the rest of the week.)
I think it's set up this way so that by Labor Day we're all sick of coming in early and are happy to start working 5 days a week again if it means sleeping in a little.
But that would require getting up and talking to them.
Then shout, "GETOFFAMYLAWN!" from your desk. That should work, too.