And I will also say, Addison?
her speech about being stalked by pregnant women made me laugh so fucking hard. I've been there. I've felt that.
Also, I miss conversation about GA being in Natter mainly because I am behind on every other show and don't want to be spoiled.
Triple sigh.
Yeah, I'm having that same disjointed feeling myself, Kat. It's only because I've been under the weather this week that I'm even able to keep almost up in Boxed Set. The rest of it nigh impossible.
Holey moley! GA:
Adele pregnant! Why is it every spouse MUST DIE? That means he'll stay on as chief, I assume.
Good god I am tired. I have shopping to do tomorrow and looking in on the dogs at Lori's place. And early AM breakfast.
Yeah, I'm having that same disjointed feeling myself, Kat. It's only because I've been under the weather this week that I'm even able to keep almost up in Boxed Set. The rest of it nigh impossible.
Me three, other than the Boxed Set part.
I just went ahead and spoiled myself for everything. It's reasonably easy to work Boxed Set because I'm invested enough in the shows to know when it's on and when to avoid. Like when there were suddenly a hundred messages in there tonight. I knew I hadn't watched yet, so I remembered not to go in.
But with the bucket threads, those are all Tivo shows, so I never remember what's on when until I'm in the thread and already spoiled. So I gave up. But I guess if I'm not invested enough to remember when they're coming on, I'm not invested enough to care if I'm spoiled? Maybe? I dunno.
I've been trying to use them deliberately. But I dunno.
Anyone still up? Vectorworks is boring.
Hey, ND. I should probably spend more time with VectorWorks, but instead I just figured out how to get photos from my new camera to the computer.
I don't even have near the most recent version, I'm still running VectorWorks 11.0.1, but it does the job. I just so rarely need to really draft big systems any more.
That's the version I have. What are they up to now?
I think 12 or 12.5. I'm not certain.