Don't start reaching for my bagel or mixing my tea latte before I start talking.
Back when I was at the bagel shop, we'd start the order the minute we saw a regular pull up. However, we always asked before presenting the order. It only netted me a few extra meals. People are most predictable before 8 am. (The owners gave me free meals and as many day-olds as I wanted, so screwed up orders weren't that big a deal. I kinda miss spinach bagels with provolone and pastrami or veggie cream cheese and bacon.)
they can't always bring me the same thing
That's why I like the drinks thing...just enough.
I think people suggesting pics for provocateuse are trying to make me gay for Rosario Dawson. But when I look at that page I realise I tracked some of them down myself. I guess I'm making myself gay. She's hot.
Back off to checking old submissions...
Happy Birthday Ailleann!
Yay for Cuddle Care!
It always surprises me when people remember me like that, from restaurants and such. I don't think I'm that memorable.
The sweet-potato story made me laugh so hard I cried. I'm sure I had more stuff to say but I'm kinda sick and I think I may throw up, so I can't remember anything right now.
I don't think I'm that memorable.
Now that's funny. You're a striking woman, Zen. People should remember you.
Aileann, I hear tell that for tonight's SPN
one should have a couple of drinks-- was it that gutting
(that came from Bev, who says it was your suggestion)
Just... it's best to be prepared.
One humogous gimlet, coming up.
Just... it's best to be prepared.
Hmmmm. Fernet, whiskey, or beer?
Aileann, does
Bobby betray them? This is what I've been afraid of for a while.