Okay, the rest of my day was not as good as the free coffee/cookies portion.
PRO: Someone folded, sealed and stamped my newsletters for me, saving me all sorts of time.
CON: I went across the street to mail them, then discovered that the post office box was no longer there. Well, first I wandered around like a crazy person with a box. Then I found a little square of concrete with bolts in it and worked it out.
PRO: That also happened to be the bus stop, so I just caught the bus to the post office.
CON: I wasn't planning on taking the bus, so I'd just missed it and I had to wait an hour.
PRO: They were really nice at the post office & I made it before the close, so the newsletters will go out before next week's rate change.
CON: I had to walk the exact same walk over to the library I'd done earlier today, which I would have delayed if I'd known the mailbox was gone.
PRO: I had a nice chat with a lady at the bus stop.
CON: I forgot I was missing Sens/Sabres!
PRO: Thankfully I have the Buffistas, so I have it on now. Where are we? Second intermission?
CON: This means I don't feel like cooking.
PRO: Schwan's came yesterday! I have ravioli.
Hmm. Guess that weighs out to the positive. So I suppose I'll quit whining.
Where are we? Second intermission?
Yup. Many penalties so far. This series is going to be a bloodbath.
Cuddle care means holding and skin-to-skin contact, like holding them on your bare chest.
All right, thanks. And ha. Perhaps unsurprisingly.
Apparently dogs can understand quantum mechanics....
Many Worlds, Many Treats
Pretty funny....
Also, both I can has cheezburger and I has a sweet potato got linked from the comments on that entry. The world of loldogs, she is small indeed.
Look at how neatly I tie in multiple b.org conversations!
I am now reduced to The Secret, and am sitting at my desk willing a wayward deliverydrone to show up with a platter of pad thai or a sheet cake or something. I will feed myself using only the power of my mind!
Speaking of, I went to the big copier today and discovered that someone had left a copy of a notepad or something from The Secret in the copier. It said something like "write down what you want, and look at it every day" It had some fake wax seal looking thing on it, paper was supposed to look like parchment. very cheesy.
Okay, that dog post links to sweet potato and dogs in elk.
I never quite made it through sweet potato.
I think someone posted about the Republicans in Utah who are convinced that immigration is part of Satan's plan to destroy the US. Here is a resolution on the subject that was considered at the Utah County Republican Convention:
Resolution opposing Satan’s plan to destroy the U.S. by stealth invasion
Whereas, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” (Revelation 12:9)
Whereas, in order for Satan to establish his “New World Order” and destroy the freedom of all people as predicted in the Scriptures, he must first destroy the U.S. There are ways to destroy a nation other than with bombs or bullets. The mostly quiet and unspectacular invasion of illegal immigrants does not focus the attention of the nation the way open warfare does, but is all the more insidious for its stealth and innocuousness.
Whereas, we cannot benefit the world by eliminating our borders and sovereignty as advocated by Satan’s “axis of evil”, if we do, the world will pull us down to its lowest common level and we will have committed national suicide. In that case, the U.S. will no longer be a free and prosperous land or light of liberty for all nations. Once he has destroyed the U.S., Satan will be able to establish his “Satanic New World Order” and destroy the freedom of all people.
Whereas, the national security and the future of the nation and the American people depends upon how well we do our job and defend our borders. We must control our borders to illegal immigration, have a well regulated temporary worker program, as needed, or face extinction. The destruction of the U.S. by the forces of evil is a top priority of Satan.
I really envy the people who know the exact details of what God and Satan want....