Ice cream cake thank you this afternoon
New Office tonight!
No obligations tonight or tomorrow night or Sunday!
Feeling better today than I have all week
My salad was fucking awesome
Still plagued by allergies or, possibly, a cold
Was reprimanded first thing this morning by my beloved boss basically for being a blowhard...and it made me cry
Haven't walked since last Friday and am feeling chubby as hell
eta Can NEVER remember to force line breaks!
Was reprimanded first thing this morning by my beloved boss basically for being a blowhard...and it made me cry
Haven't walked since last Friday and am feeling chubby as hell
I'm sorry, lisah. Those sorts of things drive me bananas. And by bananas, I mean *
Today is my birthday (dun nuh nuh nuh neh nah)
My friend got me monkey lights
New SPN (for my birthday, because it is All About Me)
Despite repeated requests, no sexy boys for my birthday. (I even had a big list, with lots of choices!)
Happy Birthday Ailleann!
I don't know any sexy boys I can FedEx to you, sorry.
Many Happy returns of the day, Aille
- It's a bijillion degrees out.
- I have too many bills to pay.
- The only pre-pregnancy clothes I fit into are the fat ones.
- I'm going to yoga in less than an hour
- Grace and Noah were extra big and extra cute today.
- One of the nurses is asking the doctor about Cuddle Care.
- I don't have to go to work unti 5/23.
- I just had a Hit cookie
In the balance, it's a good day.
Happy Birthday, Ailleann!
What are monkey lights?
hee! !!! LOVE!CINDY!!!!
MUTUAL! Oh lisah,
The Office
is super-sized, tonight. Make sure you're set up to record it at the right times.
Okay, my list
- Got rid of old car
- Got old air conditioner from mother
- New Office Thursday
- New episode of The Office on New Office Thursday is supersized
- Promos for new episode of The Office are driving me B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!!
- New(ish) car is at dealership for weird freak out it had the other day
- The heat
- Not the heat, the humidity
- But also the heat
- Sinuses, sinuses, sinuses
- Mother's cottage was ransacked, which she discovered yesterday, when she went up there all alone
- Nothing in cottage was wrecked, and nothing noticeable was stolen. Looks like thieves were probably kids who were scared off.