brenda, your dog has become a cat.
Lying in a pool of my own blood smelling my flesh burn--that's going to stay with me forever, even without a visual to round it out.
Dad thought his hand re-breaking was so cooool! "They used a hammer and a chisel! Just like the ones I have! The pin made a splooshy sound going it!"
Me? I've had foot surgery thrice. Once to remove a piece of glass and the other two times to burn out plantars warts. I can do without the smells and sounds and relayed sensations (I could feel in parts not numb that they were cutting parts that had ridges and can still cringe as the sensation of metal running into glass.) I really hated the crunching and sucking when I had my wisdom teeth out. I've never had general, but I wish I had. Especially on the latter.
Lying in a pool of my own blood smelling my flesh burn--that's going to stay with me forever, even without a visual to round it out.
I'm pretty sure that's going to stay with
ACK! scary image!
I decidely would NOT want a pic of any surgery.
One of my coworkers also had an emergency c-section. At one point she looked up at the mirror that was on the ceiling of the OR and saw an organ resting on belly outside of her body. K posited that it was actually the woman's stomach.
t shudder
We had an issue in Ohio with a photo buff and a coroner who were using corpses for photography subjects--with no permission whatsoever.
seriously? I cannot imagine that.
sarameg, if there is chile cheese bread at the farmer's market do you want me to buy a loaf and mail it? I can't guarantee that it won't be stale when it gets to you though.
My friend Julie sent me a hands-free expression halter, which is weird as shit and it actually works. MOOOOO!
I think I'm ok with looking at other people's insides. I mean, despite playing with the anatomy model in my pede's office so many times as a kid because of ear infections (not to mention hs biology), I'm still not sure where everything goes in relation to my own guts. Or what it really looks like, not the plasticized, sanitized version. And I'm curious that way. Especially when I'm inclined to remove parts with a rusty spork, I'd like to visualize that properly cause I am cranky. However, I don't really want to see it attached to my own self, I don't think.
My sister's womb was double its normal size with fibroids. She had an insanely flat stomach. She still can't work out where it all went.
no rusty spork!
So, the Griffith Park fire? K told me that she heard on the morning news (so grain of salt it) that they don't have an animal evacuation plan; that to move them would have been more dangerous then the threat posed yesterday. They did consider watering them down, which made me think WTF?
I have officially gone BACK on FMLA leave! Today I recuperated AT THE BEACH.
I'm glad you're sister is doing okay, ita and perhaps she can subconsciously create a fold in the time/space continuum to tuck away those unnecessary fibroids?