Hey, anyone know a better technique than a roll of paper towels to clean a huge expanse of mildly filthy windows?
Sponge, dishcleaning soap, hot water, squeejee.
There's also squirting on some degreasy stuff like Formula 409 before the spongey pass. And buying Very Cheap paper towels for industrial-strength clean up. BTW, the high end towels have chemicals on them that make them soak up water faster, but it will also streak on glass, so buy the cheapy towels for this sort of cleanup.
A squeejee is beyond my commitment to cleaning anything. But this
the high end towels have chemicals on them that make them soak up water faster, but it will also streak on glass, so buy the cheapy towels for this sort of cleanup.
is an immense help! I always wondered why my paper towels left streaks.
This is for a 5 panels of sliding glass doors (probably 16 feet of window,) so handiwipes would be expensive (I use them for the car, though.) I use a squeegee on the outside, but inside I end up with puddles and a mess. That's a me-problem. I guess cheap towels are probably the best.
I did actual work today, plus got a phone and a phone number and my own cube and computer.
Not as tired as I'd expected given the lack of sleep last night--perhaps re-ordering the meds is a win.
This weekend? Apart from the standard (acupuncture, teach), I have one more night of celebrating the longest birthday ever, and then I think I get to spend time alone that I'm
apprehensive about.
I rinse and re-use the handi wipes. You probably wouldn't go through more than a couple unless there is scrubbbing to be done.
dear lord, today is almost over. I wasn't sure that would ever happen.
This weekend, I'm working on getting rid of this damn sore throat-and-ears/mild cough/sniffly nose thing I've got going on--I called in sick today and slept a bit this morning, and then got around to doing my dishes and working on my cross-stitch project (on which I had completely screwed up an entire row and had to take it all out--feh).
I did just see this, which might just be one of the most awesome music videos ever: British senior citizens singing "My Generation," complete with all the Who flourishes and even crossing Abbey Road with walkers!
This weekend. Work project. Home projects. Ton of dishes and laundry. Visit MIL still recovering from surgery. If I get a huge amount done tomorrow and tonight maybe do some snorkling in the keys Sunday as a reward.
arrrgh. I really want to scream at my ceiling. My neighbors sound like they are rearranging furniture and bowling while wearing wooden clogs.
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