Cleaning out the garage.
Working on a Methodist blog website, hopefully finishing it.
Editing commercials out of recorded video.
Working out.
Taking care of kids, maybe some park going if the weather is good.
Cleaning around the house.
Might upgrade my computer to Kubuntu 7.04 if I have time.
So what are people doing this weekend?
Going to my last grad school class ever. Too bad my paper isn't finished.
Definitely nanny. I'd bet there are good agencies in LA that can send you people 1) short-term-ish and 2) experienced with preemies. It'll cost the earth, but so would center-based care, and if you only have to pay for 4 months a year...
This weekend I am going to help amyth move stuff, go to her open house, and (please) mow the lawn. Maybe plan beans and carrots if I get my ass in gear.
Casper just said, "Hypersleep is a very long sleep, isn't it." Where does she get this stuff?
So what are people doing this weekend?
Stupid but necessary stuff. Then sleeping.
So what are people doing this weekend?
Hanging with Daisy Jane tonight & all tomorrow. There's a crawfish boil & zydeco music in North Beach tomorrow! Whee!
So what are people doing this weekend?
Trying not to die. Possibly attending a fangirl party tomorrow, but most likely staying in my pajamas and watching a lot of TV while cuddling a box of kleenex.
Working tomorrow morning, hanging out with the DH and cleaning house, and on Sunday, going to see
HOT FUZZ!!!!!!!!!
Going to a friend's so we can take advantage of the stupid BB delayed SPN and watch it together. (That's the one silver lining.)
And going to go to a bookstore and pick up the new Tolkien.
So what are people doing this weekend?
TCG has a gig tomorrow night. Other than that we'll be looking for a new apartment.