Does your brain need its perceptual settings checked? Look at today's Astronomy Picture. It's a sort of picture of the earth and moon, then check the caption.
I was arrested when I tried to take a similar picture while studying the subject of that picture in college. Turns out it was illegal to lie on the floor and take such pictures. One of the local professors was able to get me released on the grounds of my extraordinary stupidity
I was arrested when I tried to take a similar picture while studying the subject of that picture in college.
There's probably a minimum-doctoral-limit before you can take that picture.
I looked at that picture and went, "That's not an astronomy picture. Why do they have a picture of [what it really is] pretending to be an astronomy picture?" Way before I read the caption.
I looked at the picture and was thinking, "Now where does Indiana Jones stick the staff thingie into the ground so the jewel thingie will show where the Ark of the Covenant is buried?"
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Roman Catholic Church has effectively buried the concept of limbo, the place where centuries of tradition and teaching held that babies who die without baptism went.
In a long-awaited document, the Church's International Theological Commission said limbo reflected an "unduly restrictive view of salvation."
Is this a big deal? (not being Catholic.)
Say, if I made up a salad of chopped cucumber, tomatos, olives, and avocado on Tuesday night (and covered it all with vinegar and lemon juice), would it still be okay to eat today? Or would the kinda-brown avocado bits taste ooky or make me unwell?
It should be fine. Maybe a little brown but the lemon juice should help reduce the browning.
One of the admins here asked me where I got some of my office toys, so I sent her the link to Archie McPhee's.
I get the feeling she's as short on work as I am, because so far she has sent me two emails about the bacon products she's found, and another just saying "oink oink".
"People find it increasingly difficult to accept that God is just and merciful if he excludes infants, who have no personal sins, from eternal happiness, whether they are Christian or non-Christian," the document said.
So, the theology has changed because it's unpopular? God pays attention to the polls?
So, the theology has changed because it's unpopular? God pays attention to the polls?
Well, it's more that He changes with the times.
This month only - Accept Jesus as your Lord and Personal Savior and God will send you a new iPod!
Is this a big deal? (not being Catholic.)
Sort of. I'm not sure when the idea of Limbo started, but it was well alive during the high middle ages. So it's an old concept.
And thank god limbo is being renounced. I got into an argument over it with my mom.
Vortex, my mom babysitting is not really a huge plan. But it would make things dramatically easier if it could work. In reality, I need to start searching for day care now. Oof.