I think I speak for all non-morning people when I say "There's a 5 *AM*???"
Seriously. It's so alien to me to wake up a second earlier that you absolutely have to that I used to think that morning people were all totally crazy. And I mean that in the most sincere, mentally ill sense of the word.
It probably also didn't help that I had a roommate who was a morning person and also pretty crazy, which helped me equate the two.
I am happy to get up at 5am
These are all English words and yet...
... no, wait. I'm still doubting the "5am" of which you speak.
Oh, you guys, I checked out on the couch at around 9 and was in bed at 10. Woke up at 8! It was awse!
I used to be a night owl, but having kids turned me into a morning person. Now, if I wake up any time after 4:30am or so, I stay up (although 5:30am is probably my platonic ideal morning time). It's so nice to be up in the quiet of the morning.
When I was consulting, I found that my perfect cicadian rhythym was bed at 2AM, up at 10AM. i was so damn productive, went to the gym most days, etc. that's fully half of the reason that i want the job I've applied for, I'll have a flexible schedule.
I'd be a morning person if I could convince myself to be less of a night owl. So far my need for afternoon naps has not been well accommodated in the waking working world. But I think that might fix everything.
I'm up now on pretty little sleep, and don't feel awful (well, other than the cold). I've also decided to delay one of my medications until evening to see if that lets me be any more alert in the morning.
Morning people freak me out, man. My normal circadian rhythm is more like sleeping from 4am-noon. When you combine low blood sugar with allergies and sleep deprivation, I think you can see why I want to destroy the world every time I wake up in the morning.
What time do you go to bed, Kat?
Anywhere between 9:00 and 11:00. Yesterday I fell asleep at 11:00 PM, woke at 1:00 AM to pump back to sleep at 1:30 AM, up at 4:00 AM.
I am totally a morning person but I am worried that Noah and Grace both seem most active and awake, at least in the NICU, at 9:00 PM. Really, in addition to healing my kids, I'd be even more grateful and loving and appreciative if only the nursing staff could train them to sleep at night.
From the Paleo-Future blog:
The Robot Rebellion (1982)
In all the futurism books written for children, this may be the most hilariously disturbing two-page spread I've seen. This image, from the book Fact or Fantasy (World of Tomorrow) depicts robots that have determined humans are no longer necessary and now must be hunted down.
I can just see some little Billy or Susie in the early 80s reading that, "...allied to robots of superhuman strength, these computers might take over the world and see no place in it for ourselves." The aforementioned child then proceeds to poop their pants.
Larger version of the robot rebellion picture for kids: [link]
My normal circadian rhythm is more like sleeping from 4am-noon.
Me, too. And it only takes a weekend for me to fall into this rhythm.