I basically went to bed as soon as I got home last night, with short forays for food and kleenex. This morning, I had enough time to shower, leisurely get dressed, grab breakfast, and start a Supernatural ahem. Caught the bus, got coffee, which I promptly spilled all over myself, and got to the office more than ten minutes early.
Is this what it's like for normal people in the morning?
It's pretty much official that rest rendered me mostly asymptomatic, and staying out late (although I feel properly rested right now) has brought them back.
I thought I was better! Just an annoying dry cough!
coffee, which I promptly spilled all over myself
Well, this is normal for me, anyway.
Is this what it's like for normal people in the morning?
Shrift, sort of. I mean, I get up, pump breastmilk, do the dishes, take medicine, fiddle with laundry and then go to the hospital, all before 5:00 AM, so maybe I am not an example of "normal" in the AM.
Kat, are you always a morning person, or just recently?
Kat's an extreme morning person. I used to think my parents were, but no. Not even close.
I was talking with the team the other day, and we realized that everyone except our bosses would prefer to not show up until 11 or so. It's not fair!
I am totally a morning person. On Fridays, I have a group of people I meet for breakfast. at 5:30 AM. And this has been going on for over a year now.
I think I speak for all non-morning people when I say "There's a 5 *AM*???"
I fake being a morning person when I go several timezones out west. It's interesting, and I can see the appeal, except no way in hell can I keep it up once I get used to the time changes.
Hmm...I always think of myself as a morning person, but I agree with sarameg that Kat might be an extreme morning person. I am happy to get up at 5am, but that's about the earliest. Anything before counts as the middle of the night.