I just made Hec go to the corner store to get a bag of the plain White Cheddar ones. OMG so good.
IMO, any snack food, be its ingredients never so foofoo and organic, that can (a) cause your mouth to physically water when you think about it, (b) make you send your spouse out in the rain to get it (and make your spouse willing to do so on the off chance that being the purchaser will give him a fighting chance of actually consuming a few before you inhale the rest of the bag), and (c) cause you to do that disgusting thing where you lick your fingertips to dip them in the empty bag and nibble up all the cheesy residue, is eminently worthy of the noble name of Doodle. Indeed, it may be the Doodliest of all doodles, the Platonic ideal to which other doodles aspire in vain.
Let us pause a moment in reverent contemplation of the wonder that is the Barbara's Cheese Bake. Or, anyhow, let Lee and Emily and me do so, while the rest of you heathens burn in snack food hell.
Though possibly the Cheese Bake will be merciful and just send you to an eternity in snacky limbo. The Cheese Bake is big-hearted like that.
Okay, the Dallas Vancouver game is a crazy one too. Going to OT scoreless.
mmmm...when I was a software tester, between 10 and 1030 am was 'healthy cheese snack time' and we would run down to the vending machine, shove quarters in it with great abandon , pulling out whatever 'cheese' flavored items we could find.
I have no cheese, nor cheese-food-product snack.
I need to write a bio, decide whether or not my back needs icing, and go to bed.
Home Depot is celebrating Earth Day by giving away 1 million compact flourescent light bulbs. If you've been thinking about getting them, but think they're too expensive, go get yours, this Sunday April 22.
Another pic for ita. This time it's my secret celebrity boyfriend:
Did anyone here watch the 100th Episode of Alias last year or the year before?
Which episode was that? I've seen them all, but #100 doesn't stand out.
Late to the party on this one, but...
that if an adult for example had taken the signals seriously, perhaps tragedy could have been avoided.
At least one adult (one of the shooter's teachers) had reported his behavior, to no effect. Asshat.
Ooh, pretty, Sue!
The 100th episode had all sorts of people back--
Will taking out fake!friend, etc.