And note that the woman in question spent the time between the conviction (just before the election) and the appeals court ruling (a week or two ago) in jail.
Oh, I had heard that but I didn't connect it with this editorial.
Damn. I don't want to say the Bush administration has been "pushing us towards a Republican dictatorship", but as the editorial noted, the ruling power using the courts and police as weapons against their opponents is one thing that happens in countries that are democracies in name only....
The angels sang when I clicked on that link, Cindy.
I am home because I forgot my wallet. I am home for as long as it takes to a) heat and eat a patty b) find my damned money clip.
I just purchases the Stephen King book "Firestarter," which I read once back in the early '80s.
Anyone remember
magazine? Anyone remember how they excerpted parts of "Firestarter" in one issue? (I think when the book came out, in 1980.)
I used to buy Omni regularly. Then I switched to one of the small format SF anthologies. Don't recall the name.
Found the money clip. It was in my bad the whole time.
Subconscious definitely wanted patties.
Gonzales reviews are in: ‘Like clubbing a baby seal.’
CNN’s Dana Bash:
Loyal Republican after loyal Republican in this hearing room, and more specifically, in private to CNN today have made it clear that they are frankly flabbergasted by how poorly they think the attorney general has done in this hearing. … During the lunch break, in private, several very loyal Republicans made it clear to CNN that they were really dripping with disappointment.
CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux:
[White House officials] believe Gonzales is in trouble. … Two senior White House aides here describing the situation, Gonzales’ testimony, as “going down in flames.” That he was “not doing himself any favors.” One prominent Republican describing watching his testimony as “clubbing a baby seal.”
The angels sang when I clicked on that link, Cindy.
That was definitely the highlight of my afternoon.
oh, MY, Cindy.
The angels sang when I clicked on that link, Cindy.
Excellent. Vonnie brought the link to the
thread. I just shared. It's too pretty a picture to just leave it to chance that you'd find it for your site.
That was definitely the highlight of my afternoon.
I want to be able to take pictures like that.
Cats and dogs living together! And apparently it's not going so smoothly
I oveslept and took a cab in this morning. The driver had a call-in show on and the subject was Gonzales. Most people - at least the coherent ones - wanted him to resign or be fired. One man, amid his mixed metaphors, referred to this whole scandal as a "dog eat pony show".
It was the high point of the longest cab ride to work I've had - I got the only driver in town who (a) stops for every red light and stop sign and (b) never exceeded 25 mph.
And Tommy, I used to read Omni most of the time - it had some good things in it, and good graphics.