Hmmm. Like Edwards's answer, however, Obama's making me give him the eyes over, "a matter of equal rights for women." I'm sorry boys, you'll just have to fight over me.
Heh. I was just hearing from someone at PPFA about how Obama is totally their BFF.
Or, you know, you could neuter/spay your pets....
Some neutered/spayed dogs still do that humping thing. Not mine though!
My stomach seems to be banging around in my abdomen like a washer with an unbalanced load.
What are y'all having for lunch?
I know Edwards is pretty firmly on my side, but Obama's using my language. Reproductive rights are equal rights.
What are y'all having for lunch?
Wednesday is Chicken Nuggets and Chocolate Milk Day from McDonalds.
Hey, isn't that a flip for Guliani? Not that it's at all surprising, but just wanted to check.
My stomach seems to be banging around in my abdomen like a washer with an unbalanced load.
What are y'all having for lunch?
I made a stir-fry with chicken, onion, mushroom, carrot, snap beans, and almonds. Then I was still hungry, so I had a Snickers egg.
I will not get lunch if my coworkers don't come back! I'm the only one in the office right now.
I'm thinking Whole Foods though. I'd much rather do a drive through.
What are y'all having for lunch?
I don't know!
I'm having one of those days where I'm starting to get hungry but I can't think of anything I want to eat....
Hey, isn't that a flip for Guliani? Not that it's at all surprising, but just wanted to check.
Guliani still says he's pro-choice but has vowed to appoint justices in the mold of Scalia. He's trying to play both sides.