Completely random question: Who here has the powers of 2 memorized? How high do you have them memorized?
The highest I do is 2^13 = 8192.
Key powers of 2 to know are 2^8 = 256 (because a byte has 8 bits, for a total of 256 possible numbers) and 2^10 = 1024, as a kilobyte is 1024 bytes, a megabyte is 1024 kilobytes, etc. (unless we're talking about marketing and HD size).
Completely random question: Who here has the powers of 2 memorized? How high do you have them memorized?
Oh, tommy. We are so, so different.
I don't have them memorized exactly, but I roughly know 2^15, 2^16, 2^31, and 2^32 because of short, unsigned short, int, unsigned int.
Grump. I have to come up with a costume for this weekend - you're supposed to come as your favorite bad ass. Suggestions?
You're blonde - go as ita! (Even though she's not blonde anymore.)
Even though she's not blonde anymore.
My worldview has completely changed.
I can go up to 1048576.
Awesome! You know how many bytes in a megabyte....
Now I'm trying to think about who's a bad ass. I mean, there are badasses like in Kill Bill, but also maybe Rizzo from Grease, Annie Oakley, Condi Rice?