Grump. I have to come up with a costume for this weekend - you're supposed to come as your favorite bad ass. Suggestions?
OK, maybe not. Is this a work thing? or party thing? Because I'm morally opposed to employers requiring workers to come up with their own costumes.
Maybe you could just be weird and pick some abstract noun. Like "schadenfreude."
SCOTUS upholds partial birth abortion ban, 5-4:
Saw that. Disappointed, but not surprised.
Disk (well, array, but anyway) crash. Data lost and has to be regenerated, not restored (it's a temp work area.)
I'm training on some stuff and it looks like something went wrong last I did it. And I'm sure I did it and the folder was modified at that time and...
It's a crazymaking day.
SCOTUS upholds partial birth abortion ban, 5-4
Fuck. The thing that's so terrifying to me about this is that it's basically based on the procedure sounding yucky. Well, the other procedure available sounds at least as yucky, if you describe it in anti-abortion terms. This is a very slippery slope.
Oops, are my politics showing?
Ugh. I'm sure the decision will make for some hair-pulling interesting reading.
Not work - my sister's b-day. But I'm totally brain-dead today for some reason so I'm drawing a complete blank. She's going as Buffy.
And how much do I hate that my health care is a matter for politics?
The thing that's so terrifying to me about this is that it's basically based on the procedure sounding yucky. Well, the other procedure available sounds at least as yucky, if you describe it in anti-abortion terms. This is a very slippery slope.
ITA. Terrifying is exactly the right word.